Chapter. 31

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Xx 3rd Person View xX

Aphmau and Aaron walked to the principles office since hey didn't know where they where having detention.

"Hello... Mr. Haney???" Aphmau ask walking through the the empty back halls of the office. "Yes!" a loud voice booms making Aphmau jump.

"Where do we have detention?" Aphmau ask. All of a sudden Mr. Haney walks out of his office making big thumping sounds from his shoes.

"Mrs. Percale's old room!" he yelled making both Aaron and Aphmau jump. "o-ok..." Aphmau says as they walk away.

Room 203 was Mrs. Percale's old abandon room. No one ever went there because, It was said that a kid threw a pencil was thrown at another student and it hit them in the eye and they went blind in that eye!

"You ready?" ask Aaron as they walk into the room. A few other people where there slathered across the room. They only knew, like, non of them!

"OK SIT APART FROM EAH OTHER AND I NEED YOU ANDREW TO HELP ME!" Mrs. Percale's said. "Why me!" said the kid with green hair.

"Because you're strong and I need help!" Mrs. Percale said. "Now pick up that pack of papers!" she said pointing to a box.

Xx Aphmaus pov xX

And who is he? I thought to myself as I looked at the kid with a light brown head of hair. "Hehe." was the only thing I heard before a kid with 2 erasers came up and snaked them together over my head.

"OH YOU'RE DEAD!!!" yelled Aaron as he chased him out the hall. "AARON WAIT UP!!!" I yelled shoving Mrs. Percale out of my was as she was about to enter the room. But for some reason she didn't care that we ran out like that.

And so the chase begins...



Word count: 310


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