Chapter. 34

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1) I'm SOOO SORRY!!! that I haven't posted in forever!
2) #1 x 1,000,000,000,000+

And with that lets get going!


When they're in collage by the way!!!

Xx Aarons pov xX

Me and Aphmau where texting. It's soon going to be our 2 year anniversary! I need to do something VEARY, special. The day is I want this to go down is on, 4-1-17 ( look at chapter 14 😏). It is 3-20-17 and I'm looking forward to it! I wish she would say yes!!!! so badly!!!!

Xx Aphmaus pov xX
Xx 4-1-17 xX
Xx Text Convo. xX

Aph: Hey Aaron XD
Aar: hey can I ask you something?
Aph: Yah go ahead!
Aar: I was wondering do you wanna go on a date today?
Aph: SURE!!! where doe?
Aar: that's a secret just can you please wear something fancy?
Aph: yah np!

Xx text end xX

I wonder where we're going?

Xx 3rd person xX

Aaron was taking aphmau on a date to the park. But what she didn't know is that this can be a end to there relationship, or it can't.

Aaron needs to ask an important question that only he knows about. Aaron loves Aph and she loves him back with ALL of her heart.

They've been through thick and thin and much, MUCH more. Heart aches, Love and questioning. But this question is only a one or two word answer and that's all.
( I'm realizing how much it sounds like a funeral when someone speaks XD)

Xx At Aphmaus house xX
Xx Aphmaus pov xX

I was getting ready, I wore a dark purple dress that went down to my knees. I had my bangs pinned back and, makeup on. Heals that where about 1 1/2 inches tall and a fluffy white jacket with no sleeves. when all of a sudden...


i went to the door and open to see Aaron in a tucks. his hear messy just the way I like it.

Aaron walks me to his car and drives off.

Xx 3rd persons pov xX

Aaron drove aphmau to the park and walked to a picnic Aaron set up. There was a plaid blanket on the ground. it had a basket with a matching towel on top.

It looked over the river that had the beautiful light of the moon reflecting on top of it, glistening in the light and the soft sound of the animals that wonder before them.

Aaron sat Aphmau down to eat. once they where finished he was walking towards the swings. Aphmau got the idea and started walking that way.

Xx Aphmaus pov xX

I was walking towards the swings as I had in mind that's where Aaron wanted to go.

"Aphmau?" I heard a voice say from behind me. I turned around well saying 'yah'. I saw Aaron down on one knee in front of me.

"I have loved you for WHO KNOWS HOW MANY YEARS! And i love the way your Dark hair as black as midnight, sways in the wind. And your caramel eyes sparkle every time you look at something! So aphmau... Will you be my happy wife and marry me!" Aaron said

I starred as him in pure and utter shock. I couldn't speak but my body could move, so i ran to him and tackled him on a hug witch he gladly returned.

As we pull away and kiss we hear a thundering of claps erupt beside us. We look over and see everyone that we've knows since high school cheering us on.

"Yes Aaron, i will marry you..." i whisper to him in his ear as he turns his head and kisses me once more!

Then five years later we have 26 kids and 5,000,000 puppies that celestial gave birth to at once!


HELLO!!!!! i know i know i'm sorry for having such a shitty book But i lot was my first and i had not read many books!

But here you go The fanta upas ending of our amazement!!!

Goodbye my little Kittens...


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