Chapter. 4

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Aarons pov

Aphmau and I have almost every single class together besides 4th period, 8the period, and 9th. We are now walking to Mr. Thornburg's class room when David Ackerman starts walking down the hall. "Hey Aphmau, thought Id never see you again!" He says walking up to her and holding his arms out like he wants a hug.

Aphmau doesn't look that excited and anyone can se that the awkward smile on her face is fake. "Hey, David. Hoped to never see you again either. You know, after you tried to touch me at a party when I was drunk." Aphmau says with clear enthusiasm. "That was one night, you should leave that I the past." He smirks, he's one of the big fuckboys in the school and seeing he knew Aphmau made me mad, even what he tried to do.

 "Look, David. We're trying to get to class so if you could stay away, that would be nice." I can feel the anger boiling up in me as I said that. "Look Aaron, you can walk along to class and me and Aphmau can talk a little. Catch up, you know." He says looking at me, he has blond hair, green eyes. He's tall, but still a few inches shorter than me and I have a lot more advantage over him with muscle size.

I can see Aphmau tense up In the corner of my eyes and I pulled her behind me and stepped up to David. "You need to go to class and so do we, so if you could leave us alone we will be on our way." I tell him as politely as I can. "No." Is all he says before he punches me in the face.

I take a step back and push Aphmau back farther away into a locker and pounce on David like he's my Prey. I punch him in his chest as I feel tugging on my sleeve. I ignore it and kick him in his stomach as he comes around and punches me in my abdomen.

Before we go at it again Aphmau runs in front of both of us and puts her arms all the way you. "STOP!" She yells, catching both of your attention. "You need to stop trying to fuck people David." She says as she faces him but turns around to me.

"You need to stop getting hurt." Aphmau looks at me concerned. She grabs my hand to pull me away as I see David reach for her ass. "STOP!" She yells at him and turns to punch him. I have to say, it looks like her punches hurt as for her size she hit him good. 

We start to walk to class as she is still gripping my hand and we walk into class. "I see you're both late, sit In the two sets in the back." Mr. Thornburg says looking at us sternly as we  take out seats in the back of the class.

Aphmaus POV

Aaron and I somehow survived our first period when al we were taught about the ancient Egypt's. He kept on talking about conspire theories. 'I wonder if he watches Shane Dawson?'  I think as Aaron and I look at each other every few minutes.

I raise my hand and within a few seconds Mr. Thornburg calls on me. "yes Aph?" He questions. "Can I go to the bathroom?" I ask seeing Aaron look worried and the most interested hes looked all period. I wonder if he thinks that I'm going to run into David again.

"Yes you can, take the pass though." He says pointing to the piece of wood that had 'Room 183' written on it. As I walk out of the door, I realize that I have no clue where the bathroom is. "Hey kid, can you help me?" I ask a girl that was Farley tall, about an inch shorter than Aaron.

"Yah, what do you need?" She asks, she has blue hair and a blue outfit with a stern look on her face. "I need to use the bathroom." "Oh that's easily, ill take you to there." She says as she walks me down the hall and down the stair case.

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