Chapter. 14

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Xx Aphmaus pov xX

Leanna saw me and said "Brig it on" (no pun intended) she changed to a powerful shadow lord and all of a sudden Aaron comes running in "ohhhh lookie your boyfriend!" said Leanna, as k turn around! I turn around and she comes up and tries to stab me but I move and shove only got my arm! "AHHHHH YOUR DEAD LEAANA!!!" I yell as I teleport us up to the roof! Aaron comes and said. "Aphmau I'm sorry!" He ran up to Leanna and KISSED HER!!! I didn't know what to feel?!?! My boyfriend kissed my enemy right in front of me and he basic had me watch on purpose! I didn't need anyone else getting hurt... "look Aaron of you don't love me that's fine but please stay safe!" I said as I walked off the side of the school building and flew off to Aaron's home?!?!

Xx Aaron's pov xX

I see Aphamu wanting to hurt Leanna but instead she didn't! WHY I THOUGHT IT WAS GOING TO MAKE IT EASIER FOR HER!!!! I yelled in my head until Leanna said something. Sooooo, honey bunny what do you want to do know! I feel like Aphmau was watching but she was no where in sight. I push Leanna up to a wall and she is ready for me to kiss her until I sprout wings and kill Leanna! "why honey I thought you lov-" her voice drifted off and she was dead! I decide not to share my secret of my wings and walk home.

Xx Aphmaus pov xX

I walk to Aaron house and I'm going through our memory book! (times they spent together) I look over and Aaron has no pictures on his walls beside one small one on his night stand! I never saw it and it was a picture of me and him dancing that kawii~Chan must have took at the valentines party (Picture of KAWII~Chans photo at the top) ! it had a note and I red it.

I love you soooo much and I always want to be with you 4-1-17 will be a very special day and I hope to see you. I know we will be together if you say yes to my question!!! DAMN I love Aphamu so much... Aaron don't forget the question! God I love her so much!
~Aaron ^~^

What dose he mean?!?! I walk home and sit on my bed and think "what dose he mean... Why would he say he loves me when he kissed that other girl!!!" I was interrupted by a knock at my window!?!?

Xx Aaron pov xX

I knock at Aphmaus window and hope she comes cause she wasn't at my house when I got there. Why do I think she was at my house was because the picture on my nightstand was moved and the letter was open! I heard a swosh When I look down and see Aphamus and Laurance in her room and they start to kiss

Info~Chan out ~Nya
Word count :531

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