Chapter. 6

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Hey guys, I'm sorry if even after I edit, my grammar is wrong. I will go back through one more time to make sure all of it if PERFECT! Also I'm sorry if  cant edit every day.

Aphmaus pov

I honestly cant believe that Aaron just asked me out! I thought as me and Aaron were walking around the mall. We walk by a Victoria Truth, which is a bra and underwear store. I grab Aarons hand and sprint into the store. "Aaron look at this!" I say as I over to a matching black lacey bra and thong. 

I look over to see him blushing as I chuckle and grab the biggest sizes they had. I pull Aaron back outside of one of the changing rooms as I take off my clothe and put the items I grabbed on. "One second." I say to Aaron who I can hear pacing around. "Ok, take as long as you want." He said back.

I looked up and down at myself in the mirror, red lipstick, black lacey bra and underwear, perfect body. "Ok you ready?" I question as if his answer had to do anything with me showing him. "Y-Yeah." He stuttered. I walked out and showed him, acting like this wasn't awkward.

"You know." He said pushing me back into the dressing room. "You got asked out 10 minutes ago and are already taking off you clothe?" He said chuckling and opening the door enough for him to walk out and nobody to see in. "Imma let you get changed." He said as I heard his footsteps stop.

"Ok." I grumble as I started to change again. "And your plan on getting me hyped up did work, but you're going to have to make sure nobody else sees." He said as it was now my turn to laugh. "Ohhh Yeahhh!" I said as I walked out with the clothe in my hand walking them back to where I got them.

"What are you doing? I never said you had to put them back." He said half smiling at me. "Just you cant do anything with them yet for my pleasure." I smiled as this was a once in a life time sale for Victoria Truth. Like seriously 90% Off! You have to be kidding me.

Aaron walked me home and I realized that I never told anyone that I knew from a while back that I was here again. I pulled out my phone and texted Kawii~Chan. She's only one of the people that I knew that wasn't mean to me, Probably since she's sweet to everyone.

Aphmau- Hey Kawii~Chan I have something to tell you!!! :D

Kawii~Chan- What Aphmau~Senpia?!?!?!

Aphmau- You know how I lived in the area you're in now?

Kawii~Chan- Yes...

Aphmau- I guess I forgot to say that I moved back into town... XD


Aphmau- Geese! I got here about a week ago

Kawii~Chan- WHAT!!!


Kawii~Chan- When are we going to have a sleepover then? I have made other friends here like Katelyn~Sama, Laurence~Kun, Garroth~Kun, Dante~Kun, Travis~Werido, and that's about it.

Aphmau- Wait, I met Katelyn today in the halls, but Laurence, Garroth, Dante, and Travis were being an ass to me this morning.

Kawii~Chan- Ill make them like you its ok!

Aphmau- I guess Aaron wont be here then?

Kawii~Chan- Is that what everyone keeps saying!!! I knew someone was able to get close to Aaron~Kun but I didn't know who!!! Girl, you can make a beast calm!!!

Aphmau- Ok, umm, wow. yah I'm the person.

Kawii~Chan- Ill send you my location and we're all having a party at 7 ok?

Aphmau- Ok sure.

I got a notification that was the directions to Kawii~Chans house. I realized that she literally lived about three houses down from me, so I got dressed into a indigo romper and black sandals. As I was walking about two cars drove past me. 

I was assuming that they were the other kids car since they were parking into her driveway. As I walked in I could see Kawii~Chan looking out of her window and watching intensely. She didn't even notice that I walked in so I guess she didn't hear me when I started to talk.

"What are you doing?" I ask as I can see her visibly jump about four inches into the air. "I'm just looking out the window." She said as she hesitantly backed away. "Are you sure you aren't watching other people right?" I question her.

"Ok, I was. Nobody usually comes over and I just get really excited." She said looking down well her ears fall down. "It's ok, I don't have many people come over to my place either." I say as I can see her smile and look upwards.

Later that night

Everyone that was mentioned in the text was here now and we were all playing truth or dare. "Aphmau, I dare you to go over to Aarons and kiss him fully on the lips, hard core!" Katelyn screams, we're the only two that haven't backed down from a dare.

I have milk coated on me, ketchup in my hair and other condiments. "I will!" I say screaming as I march down to Aarons. I knock about three times and then he answers the door. "Hey Aph, what are yo-." I cut him off from his sentence by kissing him. "That was a dare but I wouldn't mind doing that more often." I say with a half hearted smile and walk down the road again.

As I was walking I had Katelyn join my on the sidewalk and high-five me. "You know, I don't think that Aaron would let anyone close to him unless its that one specific person he always hangs out with." She says looking at me. "And that persons me!" I say in a whisper yell and open the door well she still has a shocked face on.







Updated on: June, 9th, 2017

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