Chapter. 30

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Xx 3rd person view xX

me and Aaron where fast walking since I didn't have a car anymore and his car was in the shop.

"Aaron hurry up!" I say looking back at him with an amused face: "OMI HOW DO YOU WALK THAT FAST IN HEELS!!!" he says with a list of breathe huffing and puffing the words out.

"It's the power of the girls!" I say as he mumbles something under his breathe. "You also have the power to bleed all over men when you sit on there lap..." he said as I gave him a death glare.

(Sorry I had to include that part ^°^)

Me and Aaron made it to the school and ran through the doors. We went to out lockers and Laurance came over.

"Heyyyy babby!" he says giving me a flirtatious look. "Sorry man she's mine." Aaron says putting his hand over my waist and started to walk me away.

"Not today bro!" Laurance says and takes my hand and squeezes it to where it hurts. "Ow Laurance!!!" I say in pain.

"WATCH OUT SHE'LL BLEED ON YOU!!!" Aaron screams through the hall way witch gets a few teachers attention, and sadly the principles attention.

"Detention for all 3 of you!" he says with his voice booming through out the hall way. "What the heck Aaron! you got me detention!" says Laurance.

the principle never really liked me from what happened at the beginning of the year. "Sorry" I say to him (the principle). "What was that miss. Aphmau???" he says with a stern voice.

"umm... I said sorry for interrupting what you where doing!" I say trying to act smooth.
"humph" he says and walks beck to his office.

Later in class

"Ok now you will wright an essay about how Irene is a bad person!" says miss. Snatch our wrighting/language art teacher.

"WHAT!!!" I scream as she didn't know "what" I was. "What was that Miss. Aphmoo???" she questioned me purposely pronouncing my name wrong.

"why do we have to wright on how bad she was and not goooood." I say slowly since I didn't care what grade I get in her class. "Detention!" she yells out as the class goes silent since she never gives out detention.

"What was that Miss. Poop?" Aaron says wanting detention with me. I took my eyes as she slowly turns her body around too stair at him.

"Detention!" she yells again. "Can I tell you something Miss. Smarty-pants!" says a girl name Britney in out class.

She goes all gaga over Aaron and will do anything to be with Aaron. She hates me though as she was gagaing over him then I swoop in and steal him from her. Butttt she never had a chance. Now it's the end of the day and...

Detention begins...


Hope you enjoyed this fanfic!!!

word count: 480


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