Chapter. 24

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Xx this will be Garroths pov he WHOLE way through enjoy Kittens^~^ xX
I hate how Aaron says that if we need go and wake him up. What dose he think, were not tough in self-defense!
He also basically said (say in the most smirkiest voice you can) "I WANT YOU GUYS TO WATCH OUT FOR MICHI! SHES THE ONLY REASON IM STILL PROTECTING APHMAU" Like what the heck he only cares about Michi! I should tell Aphmau that (this is killing me cause I go all the way #Garmau in MCD)
G"Hey, Aph?"
A"Yes Garroth?!?!"
G"Umm. I should tell you something!"
A"Okkkkk and that is???"
G" Welllll I don't know if I should tell you!"
A " come on Garroth tell me!"
G " ok umm the only reason why Aaron isn't here is cause he is hanging out with... M-Michi!"
A" ..... *starts to sob*......
G " I'm sorry Aph if I hurt your feelings *cuddles aphmau*
A " *Accepts cuddle* but how do you know she's over their???"
G " I have Dante spying."
D " HEY-"
G "*jumps out of bed and drags Dante into Katelyns room"
D "Hey why you be do'n that bro!"
G "Look you need to stay down stairs and not make a sound I told Aphmau a lie and it was you spying on Aaron cause Michi was over there with them..."
D " look I know you really- yah I'll stay down stairs bye"
G" bye! *walks back to Aphmaus room*"


Look guys I'm sorry this one is short but I'm planning something big for the next o e so stay in tunes byeeee!!!

word count: 275


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