Chapter. 13

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Before I start hai is a SMEXY CHAPTERS SO I WARNED YOU!

Aphamu fell asleep on my lap and I brought her inside. We both fell asleep on the couch, and woke up around 2:30. "Aaron I have and idea" Aphamu said with curiosity in her voice! Oh yah I say as I lean closer!
"I think we should have a little party for Zane being gone!" Aphmau said! And who would come? I said leaning a little by away until she started pulling me closer! "Just 2 people... Me and you!" I started to get closer to her brushing her lips with my breath. We start to kiss lightly and it turns to a make out session on her couch! We keep kissing patiently until I move and she wrapped her legs around me! We walk up to her room and I lay her on her bed and we continue out make our session!
I start to take her close off and she takes off mine! We are laying in her bed still kissing for what seams like hours only in our underwear and she has be bra on!
I start to unhook her bra and pull her panties off! she takes my boxers off! I put my hands on her waist and turn her around but before I could finish we hear a knock at the door!
"W-W-Who could it be?!?!" You stay here aph, I'll call you down if I need you ok! get dressed just in case ^~^!
I walk down stairs and see Katlyn with a black eye coming up and running to her room! KATLYN WHO HURT YOU!!!! Why is it your concern?! she asked with sass in her voice. Cause it's not that easy to punch you BUT YOU HAVE A BLACK EYE!!! If it's your concern Leanna! she's new and see asserted her dominance by sneaking up on me and before I could block her punch she hit me it was at school and we where going to a club!

Xx Aphmaus pov xX

I walk down stairs to see Katlyn with a black eye! I hide behind the wall at the end of the stairs, I hear what happened and yelled as they saw me! WHAT cTHAT "LEANNA" GIRL IS DEAD!!! Katlyn yelled at me as I stormed out the door! I end up at school walking around looking for katlyns description! Let's see blue eyes, Brown hair, Lighted skinned! I walk past a club and see her and to make sure it's her one of her friends walked up to her and said "Leanna Katlyn the one you punched in the eye sent someone to come after you"
I decide to make an epic entry by saying "She didn't send me I chose to come!" (I know kinda stupid stay with me though)
oh oh ohh lookie at this little cookie! She said sassily! I am not going to take your insults! I will just take them as a complement! I said as she dose not know what I am! Why would you take that as a compliment! she said comfusedly?!?! CAUSE PEOPLE DONT KNOW WHAT I CAN DO!! I turn into my Irene form and.....

Info~Chan out nya
word count: 561

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