Chapter. 12

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I wake up to find a pile of blood on the floor next to the bed! (Aaron's pov) I look over and see Aphmau sleeping happily then I heard a scream! I look over at Aphmau and she wakes up! What the heck was that!?!? I don't know I say and she sees the pile of blood on the floor!
Look Aphmau don't get out of bed I'll be right back ok! Ok she said as i walk down stairs...

Xx Aphamus Pov xX

I walk down stairs and see Kawii~Chan on the ground bleeding from her stomach! KAWII~CHAN WHATS WRONG WHAT HAPPENED!!! I yell "Kawii~Chan woke up and saw someone in a black out fit come in here so Kawii~chan followed them with a knife so they didn't hurt Aaron~Kun and Aphmau~Senpi! Kawii~chan followed them to your room and Kawii~Chan squealed on accident and the guy herd Kawii~Cham and got a sword and cut kawii~Chan! Kawii~Chan said with coughs every other word. HURRY AARON WE NEED TO G- Aphamu is everything ok?!?!
Aaron... Duck!
Aaron bent down and I threw a knife and it hit the guy with Kawii~Chans description! It was...ZANE!!! I yell!!! What the heck are you doing here!!! I came to hurt Aaron and kidnap you! why are you telling me this??? Cause I know I won't live!

Xx Time Skip To Zane's Funereal xX

zane was a good friend but up until now I know he would only hurt the ones he wanted!.!... He was going to kidnap me and kill Aaron but to our good stalker-ish friend Kawii~Chan I'm here and Aaron's still alive. We found out that the lords wife of O'kasis (zanes, Garroths, and vlyads mom) was killed BY Zane and that he would only hurt from now and on! thanks you and good night!
The next week I just sat in my room in depression thinking "It's all my fault. I killed someone. I don't deserve to live!" with these thoughts I decided after 50 miss calls I'll finally call Aaron and tell him that I won't be living anymore!
Phone call
Aphmau: Hey... Aaron
Aaron: OMI Aph you scared me ca-
Aphmau: Look I'm not going to be seeing anyone ANY time soon
Aaron: And why is that
Aphmau:...... I won't be living that's why!
Aaron:.........Aaapppppphhhhhh are you ok
Aphamu: No I'm not! it's all my fault I killed some one and I can't live knowing that!
Aaron: Aph Plea-
Aphmau ended the call and went to her back yard with a knife and was up against a tree with the knife to her throat!

Aaron's pov
Aph ended the call and I had ran over to her house to see  her in the back yard with a knife up against a tree and a knife to her throat! APHMAU PLEASE as I'm saying this I'm climbing over the fence and crying! Aphmau please think. THINK ABOUT WHAT!! I DONT DESERVE TO BE HERE I MAKE EVERYONE SAD AND GLOMMY!!! Aphmau you make me happy and if you go I go! I hold my pocket knife up to my head and say "when ever your ready Aph" Aaron don't do this please! I can see a tear roll down her face! I won't do it if you don't! Ok!!! Put the knife down Aaron! Well do it at the Same time ok!
they both put the knife down and Aaron sits on his knees and Aph rest her head on his legs and he sing her a lullaby!

Info~Chan out Nya
word count: 635

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