Chapter. 5

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Aarons pov

As me and Aphmau were walking to lunch I could see girls giving her the death glare, just to make hem mad, I took my hand and weaved it around her arm until I was holding her hand.

"A-Aaron, what are you doing?" She asked as a pinky blush appeared on her checks. "Just letting those girls know I don't like them." I whispered to her only to see a slight sad face.

We waked to the lunch line and got our trays and picked up a few food items. Aphmau got a salad and some grapes and sliced peaches.

I picked up an apple and a steal hoggie since that's what was the main meal. As we walked back to our table which was seated in the back left corner.

"So, are the girls still staring at me?" Aphmau asked all of a sudden well I took a bite of my apple. "What do you mean?" I ask looking confused.

"When you held my hand, many other girls were looking at me like hey wanted to kill me." As she explained that I knew what she was talking about.

"Oh, yah. I don't like them but you know, everyone is all over me." He explains as if it's nothing. "Can we eat in the court yard?" She asks quietly, almost to soft to be audible.

As we were walking out into the court yard, nobody else was put there, it was weird because most of the emo kids were put here when they eat.

"Hey Aph, are you ok?" I ask as I can see her visibly tense up. "Aaron... Look." She says as she points behind a tree to a black shadowy figure.

It was tall, pale and skinny, with a little bit of muscles. As I see it walk out I'm still questioning why Aphmau was freaking out, yah it was watching us but is it that bad?

"No. No, no no no no!" She kept saying as the 'thing' came closer to us. "It's Zane." She hollowly whispers.

"Wait, THE Zane!" I say in concern, wonder, anger, sadness in my voice but I think there were more than just those emotions.

"Hey Aph, you've turned to be even prettier than before you left." He said well smirking and smiling with his twisted grin.

I move in front of Aphmau and make sure that she's hiding behind me as I can see her head pop out of the side of my waist.

"Z-Z-Zane." She says looking at him, gripping into my waits and shirt. "You see, I think you're still beautiful." He says keeping that wide, toothy grin.

"STOP! STOP, I DON'T LIKE YOU AND I NEVER WILL! JUST LEAVE US ALONE!" She screamed and started hyperventilating with tears streaming down her face.

I can see feathers of both white, black, and purple on the ground scattered around the grass. As I look back at aphmau I can see that she has her eyes wide with fear.

Zane had a mad twisted look on his face displaying anger, sadness and madness. "What do you mean 'us'. There's only a Zane and Aphmau 'US'!" He yells turning mad.

Aphmau pushes me out of the way as I'm able to catch her wrist and pull her back, but she pulls her wrist hard and fast enough it caught me off guard.

"Zane, leave Aaron and I the fuck alone." She said, surprisingly calm. She keeps walking up to him and then stopping right in front of him.

"No, Aaron needs to leave you the fuck alone, you're mine and only mine." He says grabbing her arm and pulling him closer to himself.

"Zane, let her go!" I day sternly as I put my hand in front of me trying to inch my way closer to Aphmau.

As I'm walking forwards Zane pulls Aphmau closer and kisses her. It makes me very mad as I come forwards and slap the shot out of him.

I look over to see Aphmau falling over as I catch her. Tears coming to my eyes as I look over to see Zane laughing.

"She was right about you, you were just trying to kill her!" I scream, now enraged by Zane. I see why she was saying that he was bad and all that she said about him.

After I watch Zane run off and make sure that they're far away I turn to see Aphmau unconscious and nearly breathing which is worse than I thought.

I pulled out my phone and called 911 well picking her up and running to my car. 'This is an amazing way to start the first day of school' I think to myself well looking down at he once she's in my car.

As I walked into the emergency room I ran up to the front desk and frantically told them about how he kissed her and she ended up like this.

The receptionist seemed to have put a worrier look on her face and immediately called Dr. Jin since he's the head doctor here.

He came rushing in about a minute later and atook her form my arms and pushed her on a gurney back to some room as o frantically followed her.

"Wow, Aaron. She's been here twice in one week!" He says in utter shock and a little bit of sarcasm.

"Yah I guess with the constant girls staring at her and Zane reappearing it all it's put a lot of stress on her." I say with concern in my voice.

Dr. Jin looks at me in question. "Who the hell is Zane?" He asks staring at me. "He's a dude that Aphmau used to date, he basically abused her and was used her for powers." I told him raising one of my eyebrows.

"Do you think anyone else would come and see her?" Dr. Jin asks looking over to me. "No, she haven't made any other friends besides me."

"That's sad, when I came here the first day, I made like 5 friends." Dr. Jin said looking over to me.

"I'm going to go and check to see if anyone is here." He said and then walked off, I look over longingly to Aphmau as she has a shallow breathing and a normal heart rate.

As I look over Aphmau breathing becomes harder and she puts her elbows on the bottom of the bed and props herself up.

I think Dr. Jin left us because it's been about 10 minutes and it only takes about 2 minutes to get to the lobby. "Where are we?" Aphmau questions me with a confused look.

"We're at the hospital, Zane kissed you and the you got knocked out." I said trying not to freak her out to much.

"Oh, where is he?" She asks still a little confused. "I don't know, he ran away before I could catch him." I answered.

"Ok, well lets just leave." She answered as she got up and pulled the i.v. out of her arm. "Aphmau, that can't be ok!" I said trying to keep me back from leaving.

"It's ok, I'll do some magic." She said smiling and than we had to sneak pt after that. "So where should we go?" Aphmau asked as we walked around.

"Let's go to the mall and get food." I answer as we walk for about a mile, then walk in. "Hey can I ask you a question." I as looking at her.

"Sure" she replays. "Will you be my girlfriend." I mumble as I shovel sea food in my mouth. "Yes." She says won a sincere smile on her lips as I chocked on my shrimp.

"Really?" I ask. "Really."

-Info~Chan out Nya~~~
word count: 1,317

Update: June, 8th, 2017

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