Chapter. 26

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Xx Aaron's pov xX

I wake up and look over to see Aph just waking up from the alarm on her phone. "Well I guess we should get out of bed." she says looking at me as I snicker at her bad bed head. "yah I guess we should." I say as we both get out.

I walk into the bathroom going to get ready as I see Aphmau doing her makeup. "heh you look beautiful!" I say as she looks over with a dumb founded face. "OF COURSE I DO THATS WHY YOU ASKED ME TO MARRY ME!!!" she yells as I'm the one giving the dumb founded face.

Aphmau had long straight hair that went down to her knees. She had black cheery lip gloss with a purple smoky eye. her eye liner and eye Browns were on FLEEK!!!!

Her out fit was a black crop top that ended just above her belly. She had high waisted shorts on that where a light blue! She had a flower clip in her hair that pulled her braid down with the rest of her hair.

"Oh looks like we're opposite today!" she says looking down at my clothe and back up at my face. All I had on was my usual black hoodie with ripped black jeans and a red hightops. I snicker at the sight them pull we closer to me by her waist.

"Looks like your baby bump is coming along!" I say to her as she has a little bump forming but enough where she can get off with the outfit. "yah just me and you agents the world baby!" she says I look up at her realizing she's talking to her belly. "ONLY us two!" she says trying to make me jealous.

"Ok I'll just go and fi-" I say before stoping cause I know she would start to cry if I finished my sentence. I look to my left and see a hair brush before she says anything I start to finish my sentence. "Ok fine I'll just go out with this hairy hair brush!" I pout looking at her well she giggles!

"Ok let's go to school now!" I say as we start to walk down stairs. as we lock the doors and leave the house. I am driving out as Aphmau has a smirk on her face holding her belly. I look over and see a pink pice of hair in the bushes next to her house. I keep my eyes focused on it and see...i see..... KAWII~CHAN!!! and and KATELYN!!!! their SUPISE to be gone for another 5 month!!!!!

I decide not to worry Aphmau and not say anything about it cause I know it will hurt her but I just have no clue why they would be back so soon. Maybe there going to do a 'Were back sooner then expected party' thing. If so they know where the extra key is anyway so I shouldn't worry.

Me and Aphmau got to school got out the car and intertwined our fingers and walked inside. As we where walking we say the usual gatherings. Like the Jocks, Cheer leaders, Nerds, And Bad girls. Like usual all the cheer leaders and bad girls looked at me but Aph didn't care. I was kinda scared when the jocks look at her concise ring she's only 5 foot and weighs 95 pounds.

We got to English class where Mr. Candle was probably mad cause he never likes when people are late and we've been late so many times. I walk in and there was nobody there. I decide to walk with Aphmau up the stairs to the second story and look there.

After a few minutes we realize that's is Mr. King Jr. day and we decide to stay at the school. it was really peaceful so we sat in our desk at the back of the class well I tried throwing strawberries into Aphmaus mouth.

I look outside the window and see what looks like Kawii~chan and Katelyns hair. I Dodnt know what was going on so I decided to not tell Aphmau. So I texted Kawii~chan and katelyn.

Xx Conversation time xX

Aaron: hey are you guys home???

Katelyn: Nooooo.....

Kawii~chan: On Katelyn~Sama don't lie. Yes we're home... BUT DONT TELL APHMAU~SENAPI.!!!

Aaron: I won't Kawii~Chan don't worry! ok bye were at the school so well tell you when we're leaving ok!!!

Katelyn: Ookkkkk???

Xx Conversation over xX

Me and Aphmau decide to walk to the court yard and sit under the cherry tree. When we get there, there's someone already there. We see Purple hair and see that's it's someone that doesn't go to the school. It's a different shade of purple then Michi's. It's more of a red like purple.


I hope all of you enjoyed! SEE YAA BYEEE!!!

word count: 819


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