Chapter. 20

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Xx Aaron's pov xX
I was making out with Aphmau and she stopped. I look over at her and start to freak out! I hadn't seen her in so long or kissed her in so long.
She looks up at me and starts to cry but, not in the "I miss you way" in the "I'm so sorry way". I look at her confused she said. "Aaron I'm so sorry for staying locked away for so long!
I got really scared and started to think, what if Zane hurts Aaron or something, I know Zane likes me!" she stays to cry. "You know how Zane is and I have a surprise for you Aaron!" She said and starting to get excited! "WHAT APHMAU WHAT!!!" I yell cause I haven't seen her this excited since the day before the "incident".
She looks at me and she wraps her wings around me and we start to make out again! I truthfully forgot that she had wings! we make out for what seems like a minute but it was already night time!
We started to do more then just "make out" we started to strip each other down till we where both naked in her bed.
Xx morning xX

Xx 2 Weeks later xX

Xx Aphmaus pov xX

I woke up one morning with Aaron and ran to his bathroom and started puking! a minute later Aaron comes running into the bathroom pulling my hair out of my way.
"Aphmau I'll be back ok! *puts Aphmaus hair into a bun*"
"Ok Aaron be safe!"
He leaves and I'm still puking. I feel bad cause I didn't mean to puke in his bathroom and he'll probably have to clean it up. I know once he gets home I'll have all this cleaned up!

5 minutes later

Aaron arrives back home with what? I don't know! he walks up and hands me a pregnancy test! and it came out POSITIVE!!!!
A-Aaron! w-where going t-t-to be p-p-p-p-parents!
"YAH I WONT LET YOU DOWN APHMAU!!!!" he yells and runs out the house and he stops at the door remembering I still need help! "Wops sorry Aphmau I forgot!" he said and I just laughed! I wiped my mouth off and walked over to him and hugged him. he was about to kiss me but I warned him that I had just puked and hadn't had time to brush my teeth! but I did and ate breakfast. we had gone to Olive Garden ( yes they serve breakfast now).

word count: 437

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