Chapter. 32

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Xx Aaron's pov xX

Aaron was chasing after a guy down the hall way as I was chasing after Aaron. "GET BACK HERE YOU COWARD!!" Aaron yelled turning corners by the second. I'm now realizing when Aaron wants to be fast. HES FAST!

"APHMAU WATCH OUT!"  Aaron yells as I realize I was about to run into a wet spot on the floor where the janitor was cleaning. "AHHH" I yell as I was falling to the ground!

Before I know it I wasn't the one that was going/in pain. Aaron ran up under me and tried to catch me but I fell on his arm on a weird way.

"OMI AARON ARE YOU OK!" I yell as he's trying not to double over in pain and scream. He's clutching his arm and I can tell by the pain in his eyes that he's hurt.

"Yah Aphmau I'm fine!" he says trying not to sound hurt. "No you're not let's sneak out and get you to the hospital!" I say as me and him are making out way out he door and to his car.

"I'll drive." he says making his way to the drivers side. "NOPE! not with your arm!" I say pulling him gently over to the passengers side.

Me and Aaron are in the car and heading to the hospital till we hit 5 o'clock tragic.

"Uggg!" I mean as I want to get Aaron to see a doctor fast. "Oh Aph it's nothing let's just go home!" Aaron says telling me to also go into another lane.

"No! Aaron your arm is hurt and I can see it in your eyes where going to get you to the doctors! Oh and look the lights went green!" I say as we are driving slowly but forwards.

Me and Aaron drive by some new restaurants and other places to eat. We see Laurance walking a what looks like a pit bull and a boxer. We see Garroth with another girl with long blond hair that goes down to get butt and short shorts with a crop top.

"Where here." I say to the un amused looking Aaron in the passenger seat. As we come to a stop I realize that the reason why Aaron didn't want to come is cause he's had many traumatizing experiences at the doctors.

I put my hand on his arm and say. "Look Aaron I know you don't like doctors but I'll be here for you." I was really trying to sound sincere about it. "I know Aph thanks even you know I don't want to be here it's probably for the best." I smile at the fact that he's now accepting that he has to be here.

We walk into the doctors office thing and go up to the counter. "Hello!" I say cheerfully trying to forget what happened in the car and lighten the mood some more.

"Hello and what are you here for?" a girl questions us returning the great mood.

She had long curly red hair and bright green eyes She was skinny, a little to skinny. Her hair faded into a dark purple. She had a single feather hanging from get neckless and as I read her name tag and I realize we know her.

"SOPHIA!" I say a little to loudly as most eyes turn to me. "Aphmau! Aaron! what are you guys going here!" she says back with a wide perky white smile.

"Aaarroonn over here decided to chase a guy down our school halls and I slipped on his arm and yah." I say looking down at his purple and blue swollen arm. As I was saying that I remembered the stuff witch I'm guessing is chalk is still in my hair.

"Oh!" Sophia says looking down at his arm as well. "Yep that will need a cast!" Sophia says again looking up at us his time.

"Yah we need signed in though." I say

Xx Do boring sign in stuff xX

"Ok you can sit over there!" Sophia says pointing to the only empty seats by a T.V. "Good luck Aaron with a cast." she says waving at us well we walk away.

"*Static* Aaron Vandel *static* Aaron Vandel" the microphones say as a nurse dressed in a blue apron comes out of the doors leading to all the halls.

"Hello!" she says with a perky smile as she moves for us. "Follow me please!" she says walking me and Aaron down the hall ways of the hospital.

We enter what looks like a boring room with some magazines. "The doctor will be right with you." she says then walks off. I was able to see her name tag before she left and is said 'Crystal'.

I can see that Aaron's starting to tense up. I walk over to him and give him a hug and a kiss. "Don't worry you'll be fine." I say in his ear.
"Heh looks like your baby bump is showing more." he says with a smile tugging on one side of his face as he puts his hand on my belly as I see its poking out more then a week or so ago.

"Hello!" says what we seem is our doctor. "Hey" I say as I back away to sit in a chair. "What seams to be the problem to day?" he says. "We think we might have a sprained wrist." I say looking at Aaron as he puts his good and around the back of his neck.

"Ok." says the doctor. He checks Aaron's pulse ears mouth and other stuff like normal doctors do. I had to stay by Aaron cause he wanted to keep punching him when he would mention something else personal that the doctor would have to know.

"Yep it's going to need a cast, and by the way I'm castor." says the doctor as he leads us out to whom we see...

Mrs. Percale!!!


I hope you all enjoyed this very long chapter (the longest I've WRITEN as well)! Sorry I couldn't post last week but I hope this makes up for it! BYEEE

word count: 1,026


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