Chapter. 16

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Xx Aphmus pov xX
I was done arguing with Laurance and I turn to Aaron. "I'm sorry for that but, we can go do something now!" I said trying to trick him! "ohhhhh I like the sound of that!" He said going to take his shirt off and as he dose I put frozen in and start to watch it! "IM READY APHMA-" He looked shocked and sad at the same time. "HAHAHAHAHAHA YOU THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO KISS YOU AGAIN HAHAHAHA!!!!" I yelled. "..." Aaron walked over to me pushing me down on the couch and kissed me passionately and stopped for air. "That's what I was hoping for!" he said and we both smiled.
"Well I thought that was good so in 5 minutes well watch frozen!" I said and we stated to make out!
"Wow Aphmaus wow!" I heard a voice say and it sounded familiar but it wasn't Laurance! IT WAS LOKI!!!! WHAT DO YOU WANT!!! I yelled so hard the neighbors dog started barking! "I want your love and can I do anything for it?!?!" he said his voice rising at the end! "yes!" "And what may that be!" he said excitingly. "LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" I use wind power to knock him back! DONT MESS WITH ME AGAIN!!!! I yell and push him to the ground! He walks out saying. "This won't be the end!" He said hurt. YES IT WILL I talk loudly but don't yell.
Where were we! I say excitingly to Aaron! I don't know! he walks away and up to his room! his back on one side of he door and mine on the other. He looks through the bottom of the door and sees my arm bleeding from where I cut it yesterday! "APHMAU YOU BLEEDING!" He yelled. "I know." I say quietly trying not to cry with my voice going up and down!
He opens the door and I just decide to let gravity take its toll and I fall back.
Please Aphmau talk! he gets down to my ground level and I snuggle up next to him and we stay there for an hour. I yawn and asked Aaron If I could go to bed here. He said yes and we both got in bed and snuggled to sleep.

Xx Next Morning xX
We both wake up to the sound of Aaron's alarm clock and realize we forgot it was a Monday. We both moaned I was to lazy to go to my house so I just wore one of Aaron 3 shirts and his ripped pants and went to school. His shirts are a lot bigger then mine cause he's like 5x taller then me and it was hard to even see but when we walked to school everyone stared!
Me and Aaron where walking through the halls and Loki comes up to me and pushes me up against a wall and was choking me! I see Aaron laugh and walk off and I thought that that wasn't him!
I yell and Aaron comes running up the stairs and he said "WHATS WRONG HONEY!" I told him it was a nightmare and we snuggled on his bed! he kissed my forehead and we started making out as I yell at someone through the window it was...

Info~Chan out ~nya
word count: 572

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