Chapter. 19

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Xx Aphmaus pov xX
All of a sudden I walk over to Aaron and put my hand on his arm and my magics worked! I looked over and Aaron was waking up. "A-Aphamu?!?!" he looked over still tired.
I look over at him and I said we could go home and he looked at me in confusion. I told him to look down at his arm and when he did his arm was healed. "A-Aphmau did you do this?!?!?!" he said trying to keep his shock back.
"Yes, Yes Aaron I did this! my magics must be stronger on my home planet!
Xx planet earth xX
Me and Aaron sit on my couch and cuddle then I fall asleep. I wake up and I hear something from the kitchen. I walk k we to see Zane cooking, "Zane??? what are you doing here!" I say to him and he had a cheekish smile across his face. "Only enjoying everyday with you baby! now that I got my arm fixed up thanks to you on planet plantonic!" he says witch scared me! "oh look your baby bump is coming along!" he says and I look down crying! I see a ring on my finger and look at the wall of a picture of me and Zane getting married!

"APHMAU APHMAU PLEASE WAKE UP!!!" I hear Aaron yelling and I move up quickly and hugged him tightly! "AARON THANK GOD YOU'RE HERE!!!" I yell crying. "Aphmau are you ok! bad dream???" he says feeling guilty for some reason. (no real reason) "please don't leave me, I'll tell you in my room!" we walk up to my room and I tell Aaron the story and he was staring in my eyes and had the most shocked look I've ever seen him have! Look Aaron I think you should go! "I'll... see you tomorrow then I guess" he says then walks out my door"
Xx 2 months xX
Xx Aaron's pov xX
Aphmau has been locked in her room for 2 months now and has barely eaten a thing. I try to talk to her but she won't even open the door. I am really worried about her so I will try and get in today.
Aphmau... Do you want to build a snowman
Come on let's go and play
I haven't seen you anymore
It's like you've gone away
"That's because I have gone away Aaron!" she says with a hint of agitation in her voice!
Please Aphmau do you want it build a snowman
It doesn't have to be a snowman!
Oookkkk byeeeeee
all of a sudden Aphmau come out and kisses me and I walk back into her room and start to make out.

word count: 463

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