Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

President Snow silences the crowd and welcomes us and we are pulled away to the training center. I stay walk close to Peeta's side, till he stops. His eyes become all pupils.

"You mutt!" He screams, looking at me with rage. I jump back, terrified.

"Your a mutt! A mutt! You've always been a mutt!" Peeta scream, he looks like he's about to slap me.

"Peeta! Calm down!" I exclaim, trying to snap him out of his episode.

"Your a MUTT!!!!! You killed my family! You mutt!" Peeta screams.

"Peeta, what about Willow and the baby!" I exclaim, trying to remind him.

"You mutt!" He screams, he slaps me across the face sending me stumbling.

"I hate you! You mutt! I'll never love you!" He screams. My eyes widen an I drop to the ground crying. Has he forgoten about Willow and the baby? Haymitch runs over, holding Peeta back from slapping me again. He fights Haymitch, trying to get away. He continue to scream and call me a mutt. He begins to calm down and his face fills with worrys.

"Katniss," he says, his voice now soft. I stared at him worried and scared.

"Katniss, I'm so sorry!" Peeta exclaims, trying to come over to me but Haymitch keeps him back.

"Katniss!" Peeta exclaims, his voice cracks. A tear falls down his cheek as I run off to our room. When the elevator stops at our floor I run off, trying to find a place I'm sure he won't find me. I hide in a coat closet, I pull some jackets on the ground and lay in them. I begin to cry, I'm losing him, I swear, I'm gonna lose him, if h lashes out in the arena, I'll have no one to protect me. I could climb a tree but I don't know what the arena will be, or if I will have the chance to get the weapon I need. But when he lashed out, it was as if he had forgot about everything, our wedding, our daughter, and the baby that's on the way. This just makes me cry more. I can't lose him. Not now, not ever. If I lose him I'll lose everything.

I pull jackets off hangers and bury my self in them, hoping to muffle my sobs. I can't lose the boy with the bread.

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