Chapter 113

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A Baby Mockingjay 113

Chapter 113

Johanna's POV

"Y-your pregnant." Katniss gasps. It's as if she had thought it would never happen. But after the rebellion all I wanted was to find someone. When I found Sean (Pronounced Seen) I had gone to District 4 for Finnick's funeral when I met Sean, I knew no one there except Annie and she was crying and surrounded by her family, I didn't want to get into that, but I was also crying, for the first time, Finnick was pretty much my only friend, and he was gone.

•Flash Back•

I stood, alone in the rain, no one I knew really around. The rain hid my tears, I felt as if I was in one of those sad movies, like when ever something bad happened it would rain, but now I was at my best friends funeral. I had stood looking at Finnick's grave while the others weeped around Annie.

"Are you alright?" Someone asks from behind me, I turn around, whipping the tears away, but I know my eyes are red. A tall, lean, chestnut colored-hair that was stuck to his face due to the rain, but his hazel eyes, it was different, ever since I had arrived in four all I see is sea green eyes.

"You seem cold." He says walking towards me, wrapping his jacket around me. I'm about to make a remark about how he's treating me as if I'm in the Capitol, but then I notice he's actually being nice to me, the only person who has even talked to me since I had arrived in four.

"Thank you." I say quietly.

"Come on, lets get you out of the rain." He smiles leading me away. I take one last look at my friends grave before following the man off. He took me to his house where he introduced himself and we talked. He was confused when I said I was from 7 but after I explained about Finnick he understood. We went on a couple of dates before one night when we were both running back to his house in the rain, the power was out completely and we had no fire wood. We climbed into bed huddled up against each other, I guess it began there, one morning I woke up and threw up. Sean was confused on why I was, but I had thought back to my mom when she was pregnant with my brother, I gasped and Sean looked at me like I knew everything, but when I told him I might be pregnant he broke down crying, repeating he was sorry for what he did to me over and over, I tried to calm him down but I didn't know what to do. But when the Capitol took him, I ran to the fence and crawled under in. I ran to the forest and searched for my ax I had left in a tree when I found it I started throwing it at every tree possible, screaming, and crying.

•Flash back over•

Sean had changed me, and now I'm back calling Katniss brainless and stupid, I drop to the ground and tears begin to fall down my face. Katniss is quickly at my side, she's changed to, she's a mother as I will be, but I don't want to raise a child alone, having to explain about its father and the Capitol. I need Sean.

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