Chapter 88

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A Baby Mockingjay 88

Chapter 88

I wake up soaked, I sit up and see the water flowing in from the mouth of the cave. I look at the ground, water was filling in.

"Peeta!" I scream, shaking him.

"Katniss, I'm sorry about-" he begins but I cut him off. "Get Willow! We need to get out if here!" I exclaim. I throw my sheath of arrows over my shoulder, I only have 8 left, I started with 20. I put my bow around my shoulder and I help my sleepy daughter out of the flooding cave. Outside was also flooding, it wasn't past my feet, but it would be soon. We start to run but Willow keeps tripping, I turn back to her when Peeta grabs my shoulder.

"Keep going, I got her." He tells me. I just nod and watch as he picks her up, Will wraps her arms around his neck and he begins to run, fear in his eyes.

"KATNISS RUN!" Peeta yells. I look behind me and see a huge wave of water runs towards us I break into a run but a it catches up, pulling me under I thrash at the water, trying to make it to the top. I break through the barrier of water, reaching air.

"Peeta!" I scream as I am snatched under the water again. I open my eyes as my bow almost flys off my shoulder. I grab hold of it and thrash back to the surface. I put the bow over my shoulder only to be pulled under again. I open my eyes, the whole area beneath the water was completely different, it was as if it has turned into something completely different than before. I swim to the top and look around, trying to find my family. I am dragged under a something grabs my ankle. I scream and try to get away, thrashing at the water trying to get away. I look at what has me, its a large snake like creature. I begin to run out of breath and my eyes begin to close. Something grabs me under the arms and the mutt releases me. I am pulled to the top and pulled onto land.

"Katniss?" A voice calls. I leave my eyes shut, the pain had returned. "W-Where's Willow?" I cough.

"She's okay. Open you eyes." The voice says. I do as told and open my eyes to see a boy with golden brown eyes, and black curly hair. He had little scruffy beard. He was handsome and probably had every girl in his District crawling all over him.

"Where's Peeta?" I say, putting my hand on my head. We were sitting in a tree away from the rising water. He doesn't answer my question and just begins to wrap my ankle in a leaf.

"Peeta told me to make sure you take this." The guy says, handing the the pill Peeta had given me the other.

"Thank you." I say, taking the pill and chewing it. "Who are you?" I ask.


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