Chapter 36

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A Baby Mockingjay 36

Chapter 36

The second I wake up I am swept away to prepare for interviews. The prep team introduces themselves once again.

Hera and Hero who are twin brother and sister, they both have red hair. Hera doesn't speak much but Hero is very social. Ammon, has black spiked up hair with ends dyed green. Ajax had completely orange hair, it was spiked everywhere. Then there was Leto, he really likes turtles, he said he has five. His hair is blue and just commend back. While they worked with my hair and make up, I hear them talking about the careers. I figured out most of their names at training, they kept getting into fights.

Diamond was one of the District 1 girls. Silver was the boy from district 1, he had been working with a knife. Velvet was the second girl from District 1, she had worked with an ax a lot. Satin was the second boy from 1. Slate was the boy from 2, he reminded me to much of Cato. Alana was like Marvel from the first games, she could throw a spear perfectly. The other two from their District were weaklings, I don't think they got in with the careers. Bolt was a boy from 3, he used a broad sword, which weakened my chance of getting out of these games. Ermin was a boy from 4, he reminded me a bit of Finnick, he could use a trident.

There were a lot of tributes this year, double the amount as a regular games. I look at Hera who was saying something to her brother. Dayo comes in and smiles at me. He reminds me so much of Cinna. He ushers out our prep team and hands me a dress. I change into it, it's a strapless heart back dress that is completely white with a skirt that ruffles out and goes down a little past my ankles. He hands me some shoes and we walk off to the interviews. Peeta was wearing a nice black tux with flames on the sleeves. My hair was pulled to the side in a pony tail, Dayo stops me and places a white lily flower in the pony tail. He smiles and sends me to the line of tributes. I hang around next to Peeta and Alice and Jackson. Alice was in a strapless dress with a silver colored top, and a skirt that was lower in the front then the back that was light blue. Jackson was in a tux like Peeta's but grey. I feel Peeta's hand grab hold of mine. I look at him and smile. I notice the man with a camera coming down the long line of tributes. I give his a kiss a bit before the camera gets to us. I'm about to pull away but don't for a few more seconds then pull away. I know the camera has past us and that this will be broadcasted live. Diamond walks onto the stage and it begins. Ceasar opens with a few jokes before beginning. The time goes by so slowly, I almost fall asleep in Peeta's arms.

"Katniss, you gotta wake up. It's your turn soon." Says Peeta, he taps my cheek lightly. I stand up strait and nod.

My arm is taken by the man as he takes me forward to wait for my turn. Soya, a boy from 11 walks off the stage and I walk on. When I walk on the crowd goes crazy, I just smile an take my seat next to Caesar.

"Hello Katniss." Caesar smiles. I smile back.

"Hello Caesar." We talk as if we are old friends.

"So, how have you been, you and Peeta?" Caesar asks.

"Well, we're married now." I smile, not wanting to mention Willow.

"Oh really?! When did this happen?" Asks Caesar.

"When I was 19." I blush, looking down. I was only 19 when I was married and it was a bit weird to some people.

"You were only 19!" Caesar exclaims. I nod and blush.

"Okay, let's go back to the reaping, who was the young lady you volunteered for?"

"Naomi, victor of the 73rd hunger games." I tell him.

"And why did you volunteer?" Asks Caesar.

"Because she's pregnant."

"Oh, what about that little girl who latched onto you when you were walking up to the stage? Who was she?" I swallow, I know the cameras are on me at this moment.

"My daughter."

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