Chapter 1

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"Okay this is it sweetie, have you got everything? School bag? Lunch money? Gemma make sure he stays with you all the way there-"

"Mum!" Harry groaned, smacking away her hands while she tried to kiss his cheek.

"I can't believe my baby is going to big school!" She cried. Harry rolled his eyes but gave her one last hug before leaving with Gemma.

"I'm sixteen, not six." Harry grumbled while walking into school with Gemma.

"It's different from the other school Harry, kids actually play with fire and could easily burn your hair off, I'm not surprised she's worried." Gemma said, leading Harry to the Head Master's office. "Plus the fact that you're coming to this school a term later than most kids." She added on.

"Remind me why that is again." Harry groaned for the one hundredth time that morning.

"You had to tell Niall remember." Gemma said. Harry almost forgot about his friend back home.

"Oh yeah." Harry came to realisation. Gemma plastered a sympathetic smile on her face when she had to leave her little brother alone to get to her own class.

Nervously, Harry knocked on the door of the Head teachers office and was kindly let in by a friendly looking man who looked normal compared the the scary beast he had pictured in his sixteen year old mind.

"Harry, I've been expecting you." And wow that was creepy.

"Can you see into the future or something." Harry laughed half heartedly.

"No, your Mum called me this morning, I actually breathe fire but that's for another day." He joked and Harry pretended to find the joke funny, when in reality he was already scared. He was basically part dragon, which sounds superior to Mother Nature.

"You're in class A, which is impressive, straight A's in your last school and very clever, I hope you do just as well here. However, we do things a little differently so don't get your hopes up, we have a student here that can show you around, but for now I'll take you to your first class." Harry was told. The Head Master, Mr. Smith, led him around the school. It looked normal, it looked like his old school, but he had only seen the corridors so who knew what was behind closed doors.

"Your first lesson is in the lab with Dr. James, don't be intimated by the new environment, the kids here are just as nice as the ones at your old school, and if the students at your old school are awful then you'll be pleasantly surprised here." Mr Smith said, then opened the door to the lab and Harry was met with quite a few pairs of eyes on him. Harry anxiously looked around the room and noticed Mr Smith talking to Dr James at the front of the classroom. He awkwardly fiddled with his fingers and noticed the nail varnish he had forgotten to remove before arriving.

"Mr Styles, would you please take a seat next to Mr Payne in the back?" Dr James said after Mr Smith left. Harry nodded and tried not to draw attention to himself, which was hard since everyone's eyes were on him in the first place. Luckily, Harry thought he looked pretty that day. His hair was braided neatly with beautiful flowers clipped in, the flowers made his green eyes pop which added to the the effect of the small amount of mascara he brushed gently against his eyelashes before leaving the house. He wore plain black skinny jeans and a white t-shirt.

 He wore plain black skinny jeans and a white t-shirt

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