Chapter 25

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Today was essentially an exciting day.

Never would Zayn have thought he would get to fly a ship, let alone one with all kinds of weapons and gadgets to play with- and heated seats. Honestly, he was trying so hard to hold in his excitement when the main tech guy at headquarters told the group they were going to be sent out on a short, practice mission. The difficulty level was half of what it would normally be, but that was only because they'd been training two weeks, half of the time they needed.

On a normal day, Louis was be ecstatic to be going on a mission with some real enemy he needed to defeat. He was tired of just running circles and fighting dummies. Of course, he was honoured that he'd been chosen for a mission like this, but he couldn't focus in that moment.

Harry had been distant ever since the argument with Louis' parents. And Louis was pretty sure there was something else Harry wasn't telling him. He didn't know how to handle it though, he liked holding Harry's hand and kissing him and just being with him all the time, but suddenly Harry was distant and would avoid Louis most of the time.

He just wanted to know what happened all of a sudden to make him like this, he knew he hadn't said anything to upset him, at least he thought he didn't.

All four of the group stood side by side as Daniel, Harry's trainer, talked to the main technician about the supervised trip they would be taking.

Everything that was happening in this practice mission was supervised and under control by people that worked in headquarters. So if the building exploded, which it wouldn't, it would be planned. Obviously, Harry was shitting bricks at that point, despite Daniel telling him he was the best in the group.

He still couldn't believe what he was actually capable of, the fact he could create fire and control wind and he could even do a few things with water- it was a work in progress- was mind blowing. However, he was so afraid something would go wrong. Anything could go wrong, he'd heard the horror stories. His parents used to talk about things malfunctioning all of the time after work, it was common.

He didn't want to get into an accident, he didn't want anyone to get into an accident.

Daniel came back to the group and motioned them to follow him. Harry stayed at the front of the group next to Daniel, leaving the others to walk behind them. Louis sighed sadly and watched Harry walk ahead, normally he would wait behind so they could walk together, but apparently Harry was avoiding him.

"So, this is the ship you guys will be doing your mission in. It was expensive so please don't break anything." Daniel explained.

The ship was huge, and the interior looked modern and well.... expensive. There was a door leading to what Louis assumed was the pilots room, where Zayn would be for most of the mission. There was a large area for sitting and there was the sleeping quarters which were small but luxury. It had bunk beds and he was hoping he and Harry would share a bunk, that was if Harry stopped avoiding him.

"I'm gonna let you have a wander about, Niall and I will be waiting outside if you need anything. We'll be leaving soon, but you have time to look around." Daniel said before leaving the four alone. Zayn immediately went to the pilots area and Gemma followed him, leaving Louis and Harry alone, finally.

"Harry, are you okay?" Louis asked, reaching out to touch his arm, but Harry flinched away.

"Can we talk? Somewhere Zayn and Gemma can't hear us, please?" Harry gulped. Louis nodded and they went into the sleeping quarters, taking a seat on one of the small chairs that caused them to sit extremely close. Closer than they had been for at least a week, "What did I do wrong? Why are you avoiding me? Is it something I said? I'm sorry-" Louis was cut off by Harry's lips gently, but firmly pressing to his.

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