Chapter 6

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It had been raining heavily for the past few days, only stopping occasionally and most people would think it was normal, but people who knew Harry knew he was upset. Ever since he went out with Louis that night, it had been pouring down and Harry's family were worried. They knew that Harry wasn't going to tell them anything, but Gemma had a feeling his sadness had something to do with Louis. She knew he was bad news and she warned her brother, but he didn't listen.

"Moping around isn't helping Harry," Gemma said as he entered Harry's bedroom. She shut the door behind her so their parents wouldn't be able to snoop, "What's wrong?" Gemma asked. She knew that whatever happened couldn't be that serious, because with Harry's powers, his emotions were amplified, meaning he became more emotional than any normal person.

"Louis said he liked me." Harry admitted.

"That's why you're upset?" Gemma scoffed, and Harry rolled his eyes and wiped his sniffly nose.

"No, I told him we couldn't talk anymore," Harry sighed and Gemma cocked her head sideways, "It wouldn't work anyway, and our parents would kill us and we have different responsibilities. I just... I'm upset because I want it to work, but I know that in the end it won't, I'm a hero and he's a villain." Gemma let out a huff, and couldn't believe what she was about to say, because it was insane and she knew Harry probably liked Louis a lot. The last boyfriend he had was a boy called Daniel and he was a... strange kid, "I'll cover for you," Gemma said and Harry's eyebrows furrowed, his sister rolled her eyes, "If you wanna be with Louis, I'll cover for you, from Mum and Dad until you're ready to tell them." Gemma said.

"That's not the only problem Gems, it wouldn't work out in the end, we come from two different types of families and have you ever heard of a gay superhero? No." Harry frowned.

"Does it matter? If you want to stay with Louis, you'll work something out. You know Harry, I never thought I'd say this, but you don't have to be on the council, you can step down and Louis doesn't have to be a villain. You don't have to listen to what our parents say." Gemma said.

"Mum and Dad will be so mad." Harry mumbled, smiling slightly at the thought of actually being with Louis.

"They'll get over it," Gemma laughed, "Maybe you should wait a while until you talk to Louis, let the situation die down and actually think about what you're doing."

"Yeah, thank you, Gemma." Harry smiled sincerely. Gemma nodded and opened the door, letting Harry's kitten wander in. The door closed and Harry picked up Henry from the ground and sat with him on his bed, hugging him close, "You won't be mad at me, will you?" Henry meowed, "I hope not."


When Harry went to school after the weekend he was preparing himself so he could speak to Louis. It took a lot of confidence and he even told Zayn and Liam about it, which they were very pleased about. The young superhero walked to Louis' locker, and hoped Louis was there when he arrived.

However Harry's heart stopped when he saw Louis was at his locker, flirting with someone else. The girl was batting her eyelashes and leaning her head on his shoulder, which he didn't seem to mind. Maybe Louis wasn't gay? Maybe he was bisexual and after Harry rejected him just moved on like it was nothing. He didn't know who she was or why she flirting with Louis, but it still hurt and almost instantly Harry started crying and the weather went from sunny to rainy in the blink of an eye.

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