Chapter 35

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The ship was quiet. Extremely quiet. Louis wasn't complaining, he enjoyed not having Nate's annoying voice in his ear and Zayn yelling at him to 'shut the fuck up' because it turned out nobody on the ship actually liked Nate. Well, Harry just didn't speak to him, he didn't go out of his way to make Nate feel bad.

Louis didn't understand why it was quiet, he just knew that Zayn and Nate were on the lower deck of the ship, making food in the kitchen. An exhausted Harry was lying in Louis' arms, having fallen asleep after a long day of preparing for the mission.

Currently, the ship was on autopilot, slowly making its way to their destination.

"Lou?" Harry mumbled sleepily, his head smushed into Louis' bare chest. It was getting late, and the mission was in a few days, depending on what time they actually landed. Harry just wanted it all to be over, but at the same time, he didn't.

Once it was over, it was truly over.

"Yeah?" Louis softly ran his hand through the younger boy's hair, seeing him smile contently.

Harry didn't say anything, instead he sat up and Louis admired his big jumper and lack of pants. He looked soft and soft Harry was definitely one of his favourite Harrys. He loved every Harry. He really appreciated the fact that Harry had all this power, all of this strength and he continued to be like this. To be completely unfazed and he was the same Harry he met in the cafeteria when Louis made him cry by asking about his book.

The younger boy looked around the room, noticing it was empty, just he and Louis alone. So he took the opportunity to straddle his waist and loosely drape his arms around Louis' neck. Louis let out a surprised gasp, but gripped Harry's waist, his hands having to go underneath his jumper that was now bunched up from him sitting on Louis' lap. He was sat against the headboard, chest bare and hair messy from sleeping and Harry just leaned into him, basking in their moment alone.

"Where are the others?" Harry asked, one of his fingers tracing Louis' tattoo on his chest.

"Kitchen," Louis answered quietly, "They've been gone a while." He explained, his voice was a little softer as he spoke. He had the urge to kiss Harry, but he knew there was the risk of Nate and Zayn walking in on something and he didn't want Harry to face the embarrassment of being walked in on, because he knew the boy wasn't at all confident. He was only ever confident with Louis; he only let Louis see his body or touch him. He didn't like being seen naked by anyone, even if Zayn wandered out of the shower naked sometimes and Nate would sometimes pee with the door open.

"How long do you think they'll be?" Harry asked, his voice breathy. He ghosted his lips over Louis', wanting to kiss him so bad.

"I really don't know." Answered Louis before leaning in a little bit so his lips finally pressed against Harry's. Louis' hands travelled up Harry's jumper, pulling him closer so they were chest to chest.

"Really missed you." Harry admitted, breaking their kiss for a minute before he attached his lips to Louis' neck, leaving a trail of kisses from his jaw to the bottom of his ear.

"I'm with you all the time?" Louis laughed breathily, loving the feeling of Harry's lips on his skin. Harry was never like this, not usually. It was normally Louis that initiated more sexual activities, always asking Harry for consent of course. It wasn't that Harry was never in the mood. He always wanted to start things, but he was so awkward and shy and he was afraid Louis would laugh at him. But today was different, it had been too long.

"Really miss you." Harry repeated, his hand trailing down to Louis' sweatpants that were always dangerously low.

"Oh... Oh," Louis said in realisation, gulping, "Zayn and Nate could walk in at any moment." Louis warned, but he couldn't really think properly because Harry's hand was there and Louis' mind was somewhere else and Harry looked so pretty with messy hair and swollen lips from all the kissing.

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