Chapter 23

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You see, you can only hide something for so long, eventually something has to be discovered, whether it be good or bad. So, as Harry and Louis came home from school, Harry a giggling mess and Louis laughing along with him, they didn't fail to notice Anne's glare from the doorway.

Harry was confused, assuming his Mum was mad at him for leaving his coat on the back of the chair instead of in his wardrobe, but that was proved wrong when she looked at Louis and scowled. Louis gulped and waited for her to say something, but she didn't say anything, she just stared at Louis like he was crazy.

"Is everything okay, Mum?" Harry cleared the awkward silence. She looked at him and her eyes softened up. How was she going to tell her son she knew who Louis really was? She was mad, extremely mad at Harry, but she couldn't help but notice the way her son looked at the villain in her house.

"Everything's fine." She deadpanned, "Are you staying for tea, Louis?" She asked, her face showing a bittersweet smile. Louis' breath hitched and Harry tensed.

"Mum..." Harry trailed off. He had no idea what he was meant to say, "Mum I'm sorr-"

"Don't you dare, young man! How could you? I was mortified when I found out! How dare I have to find out one, you have a boyfriend in the first place, and two," She counted on her fingers, "He's Louis Tomlinson. How dare I have to find out these two very important things from Gemma, of all people!" She snapped, then she turned to Louis, who was frozen in place, "And you," Anne seethed, "Lying to me this whole time! Corrupting my son with your tattoos and pretending to care about him!" Harry remembered this was just her being mad, she was just trying to protect him, nothing else.

However, he didn't appreciate the abuse she was sending Louis' way. He'd been nothing but kind, and suddenly because he was a Tomlinson he was no longer kind, or sweet, or cared about Harry. What shocked him was that Anne went to use her powers against Louis, never had she used them without a good reason.

So quickly in defence, without even realising, Harry jumped in front of Louis and a huge gust of wind suddenly pushed Anne to the other side of the room. Louis watched in bewilderment as Anne was flown against the wall, hitting her back with a loud thud.

"Oh... My... God..." Harry whispered to himself. His Mum was lying on the ground, still conscious by the way she groaned in pain, and that's when Harry realised he'd fucked up. He'd fucked up immensely. While his brain was trying to process what just happened, Louis was rushing to Anne's aid, helping her to feet, but she could barely stand.

"Mum..." Harry's lip quivered, "Are you okay?" He quickly assisted Louis in helping her stand, but she clutched the edge of the kitchen counter to try and do it herself.

"Show me your arm, Harry." Anne demanded.

"W-what?" He stuttered. Louis watched as Harry hesitantly held out his arm, and Anne pulled up the sleeve of his shirt. Like she expected, the marks were there, the day she'd been dreading had come. Only there was still time, only two of them had appeared, there was still another two to go.

"How long have they been there? Tell me the truth, I want the truth, Harry." Anne said.

"A month maybe, a little bit more than that? I don't know, a while. Quite a while, actually." Harry admitted, and Anne gasped, tears welling up in her eyes.

"I need to contact Niall, I need to contact Niall right now and tell him to pick us up and take you to headquarters. Louis you need to come too," She looked at him seriously, she despised that boy more than anyone, "I'm assuming you knew about them." Anne snapped. Louis nodded sheepishly and Anne gratefully took the phone Harry handed her. The work phone. The emergency phone he was never allowed to touch.

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