Chapter 9

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"I think all in all, you're fucked." Zayn came to a conclusion and Louis groaned, knowing his friend was right. What was he supposed to do now? He was utterly screwed and he didn't know what his parents were going to think when they found out, "You're the one that smashed the window!" Louis defended.

"You're the one who decided you wanted to try out baseball! Who the fuck wants to play baseball? Does anyone even play baseball anymore?" Zayn asked, looking at the broken window and the shattered glass covering Louis' living room floor. It was Louis' fault for making Zayn throw the ball, and it was Zayn's fault for not being able to throw a ball properly, and it was Louis' fault for not remembering that fact.

"Harry likes baseball." Louis said sheepishly and Zayn wished the baseball went through Louis' head instead of the window.

"Of course." Zayn muttered then froze when he heard someone clear their throat behind the boys. Louis turned around and saw his Dad, who looked furious and his Mum, who was more worried about the damage than telling her son off, "Louis William Tomlinson!" His Dad shouted and Louis went to speak but his Dad beat him to it, "A villain smashes other people's property, not their own!"

"What were you thinking?" His Mum asked and Zayn flinched, knowing his Mum would be receiving a phone call from Louis' mum. The boy quickly turned invisible and tried to leave unnoticed, but just because he was invisible didn't mean they couldn't feel him, so Louis' mum stood in front of Zayn to stop the invisible boy from moving, "I don't think so young man, I'll be calling your Mother." Louis' mum warned and they all heard Zayn mutter a 'damn it' before making himself visible again.

"My parents are in Hawaii." Zayn butted in.

"What?" Louis questioned.

"My parents are in Hawaii looking for someone that owes them money, I think, I don't know the details, but they said they'd bring me back a coconut." Zayn shrugged.

"Oooh, can I have one?" Louis asked and Zayn nodded, getting his phone out to text his Mum, but Louis' Mum snatched the phone away and glared at her sons friend. "You're grounded, Louis." His Mum said.

"And I'll be escorting you home." Louis' Dad said to Zayn and the boy nodded.

"Coconut." Louis mouthed to Zayn and he gave him a thumbs up before he was being pushed out of the door.

"I'm very disappointed Louis." His Mum said.

"You say that every time," Louis rolled his eyes, "And I'll pay for the window." He muttered.

"And I mean what I said, you're grounded."


"You can't be in here!" Harry whisper shouted, but still let Louis climb through his window, "You said you were grounded and my parents are home!"

"My parents think I'm sleeping, I snook out and put a blow up sex doll under the sheets so it looks like there's a body underneath it." Louis shrugged.

"You have a blow up sex doll?"

"It's Liam's." Louis explained, but didn't really explain. He smiled when he saw the flowers he got Harry sitting on his desk in a vase, and saw that Harry'd managed to keep them looking perfect even if it had been a week. By the looks of it, Harry was doing something important before Louis interrupted, "What're you doing?"

"It's for my 'save the trees' club." Harry explained and grabbed the sheets of paper out of Louis' hands before he messed them up.


"The word 'lame', is lame." Harry said and went back to writing things down that Louis didn't know about. He saw a lot of pictures of trees and the word 'environment' seemed to appear a lot.

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