Christmas Bonus Chapter

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"Darling why don't we give it a rest today? We've put the tree in every possible position and you're never gonna be happy with it." Louis sighed, looking at his pregnant husband with a pleading look on his features. It wasn't that Harry was a whiny pregnant person but the problem was Harry was a whiny pregnant person and Louis and Zayn had moved the Christmas tree multiple times that day.

"Fine," Harry huffed, resting a hand on his bump instinctively, "I want this baby out." He groaned.

"Gorgeous, you're seven months along, he's not coming out anytime soon," Louis chuckled, placing a kiss on the boy's temple. He'd been stressed lately, due to him recently leaving work and not having Louis around him all day everyday. They were still leaders of the superhero world, just... with a baby on the way, "Anne's making you garlic bread in the kitchen." Louis informed him.

"This'll be our first Christmas in the new house," Harry grinned, "I wish the little one would come sooner." He pouted.

"Nope, you're having a pregnant Christmas, love," Louis placed a hand on Harry's bump, "I like you pregnant." Louis pecked Harry's lips, pulling away when hearing Anne calling them from the kitchen. Their house was nice, to say the least. Being a superhero did have its perks, like the pay- and the satisfaction of saving the world over and over again.

"I look like a whale I can't wait to get this baby out of me, he keeps making me pee." Harry groaned, making grabby hands for his husband after he stood up. Gently, Louis helped Harry stand up, his bump being a bit of a liability. It wasn't true, about Harry looking like a whale. He was glowing, almost all the time. At first there was a lot of throw up but after they were past that things got a little better, obviously.

Harry being pregnant accentuated his cherubic features, which Louis loved. He just loved everything about the boy: his forest green eyes that went wide whenever seeing an image of their little baby on the monitor in the doctor's room; his curly hair that was significantly longer and fell in ringlets that framed his face and rested on his shoulder and his little giggle that escaped his lips when Louis peppered his face with kisses.

"Sometimes I forget how pregnant you actually are." Zayn snickered when seeing Harry waddle into the kitchen, the smell of garlic filling his nostrils. He was extremely happy garlic wasn't a scent that made him want to puke. When Louis explained fully to Zayn that he knocked Harry up, Zayn was shocked, obviously. However, he could see how happy they were. Harry was possibly the happiest person in the world (unless he was snapping at his husband for not cutting the crusts off his sandwich or using the wrong scented bubble bath) and Zayn was extremely happy for the couple.

"I still can't believe my baby is having a baby." Anne cooed, pinching her son's cheek. Harry glared and swatted her hand away, not wanting affection. He wanted garlic bread. Lots and lots of garlic bread.

"There is your bread, for you and little Tommo in there." Zayn mused, pushing the bowl of bread in Harry's direction.

"Fuck," Harry groaned, "This is so good."

"Harry Edward do not curse in front of your child!" Anne scalded.

"Sorry," Harry mumbled, "Maybe we should put the Christmas tree in here?" He suggested, looking at the empty corner of the kitchen. Louis inwardly groaned and handed Harry another piece of garlic bread, "Eat your food, love." Louis instructed, kissing Harry's cheek. There weren't any complaints from Harry so Louis let out a sigh of relief and decided to leave Harry so he could eat in peace.

With Harry being pregnant, the boy really enjoyed having alone time with his Mum so Louis liked to give them a little bit of space sometimes. Absentmindedly, he wandered into the nursery which was basically finished, apart from a few finishing touches. The room was white with cream coloured carpets, so it was very gender neutral. He supposed their kid would want to pick out his own colours when he was old enough to decipher what he liked.

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