Chapter 26

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When the huge door opened, it revealed a large maze that was made of nothing but plants. They were in some sort of field it looked like, "You need to go through phase one so you can get to phase two and then phase three. It'll be like capture the flag, almost. At the end of phase three there will be a flag with your name on it and as soon as it's in your hand a door will open for you to make your way back to the ship. Now, this is a team effort alright, Niall and I will be waiting at the end of phase three, and we'll be speaking to you through your ear pieces. We'll also be monitoring you so if something goes drastically wrong, we'll shut the mission down and get help." Daniel explained.

"We'll see you when you're finished." Niall said, and then suddenly they were left alone. The four of them looked at each other before Harry stepped through the arch way that started the maze. It looked like a regular maze you'd see in a garden or in a playground, but there must be something different about it.

They all followed behind Harry cautiously until he noticed the plants were different the further they went in, "Everyone stop." Harry quickly ordered. The four of them stood completely still and Louis felt quite silly that Harry was stood examining a plant.

"Something wrong?" Gemma asked. She seemed the most confident of the four, mostly because she'd been training for the longest. Harry's eyes widened and he reached his hand out to touch the walls surrounding him, he hissed and felt a sting, "Yep, just like I thought, poisonous. If you guys touch this you'll break out in a rash and you'll be throwing up for days, my body is immune to it, but fuck that hurt like a bitch." Harry whined.

He looked up at the sky and saw how clear it was, just blue with no clouds whatsoever.

Luckily, the maze was wide enough for them to walk through with ease without touching the walls.

"Do you think I could fly over the top of the maze? There doesn't seem to be a roof." Louis suggested and Harry shrugged, unsure of how anything was really working. From what he could tell no one really had a clue where they were going, they were just taking random turns and turning back when there was a dead end.

"Try it." Zayn said, watching Louis look up and fly into the air, only to hit his head on something invisible and fall to the ground with a thud.

"Are you okay?" Harry frantically rushed to his boyfriend's aid and helped him up again. He was slightly dizzy but recovered quite quickly, "Didn't work." Louis shook his head and Harry chuckled. He double checked Louis was okay and kissed his lips quickly before hugging him because honestly he was slightly afraid something awful would happen to him.

"Uh, I don't think this is the best time for a special moment because there is something with bright red eyes and teeth that looks as if it's going to kill us." Zayn said and right on cue the beast pounced on him, however Harry was quick and suddenly a huge ball of fire was flown its way. The creature angrily looked at Harry and tried to attack him, but he thought of an idea.

The poisonous plant grew long vines which was terrifying to watch, it was like some monster that Harry'd created with his own hands. It still amazed them all that Harry could do all of this, he was amazing and they were so shocked to see the shy boy they used to know strangle a beast with a poisonous plant he controlled.

The huge creature fell to the floor in agony and Harry shouted "Run!" To the group because the beast wouldn't be down for long. The plant was dangerous but it couldn't kill. Louis was ahead of them all in seconds, he almost forgot not everyone could run at super speed.

"Which way?" Zayn asked, panting slightly from the running. Harry shrugged and pointed left because there was a fifty percent chance of it being the right way.

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