Chapter 8

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"This is it Harry, your one chance to impress them. This will be their first impression of you so don't mess it up, but I'm sure you'll do well, son." Harry's Dad patted his shoulder and he felt sick to his stomach. His parents had taken him to one of those fancy gala things were all the higher up people would go and celebrate another year of saving the world or Bob the caretaker's birthday. Harry didn't quite understand why everything had to be so formal, yet again, these were the people who drank black coffee instead of white and would cry if their nail polish chipped or they had a crease in their shirt.

The gala was held in a huge underground ballroom to stop ordinary people from finding out where they had all these special events. Harry wished he was part of the 'normal people' just so he didn't have to hear people talk about how Jeff was divorcing Helena or how their baby had started developing its powers.

Honestly, he was fed up and normally Gemma was the same, but she was too busy being chatted up by someone at the buffet table. Sighing, Harry walked around and grimaced at the terrible taste of the champagne they'd handed to him as he walked in. Technically, he was underage but they didn't seem to care. The food wasn't good, it was bread with tomatoes and sushi which smelled and looked disgusting. What ever happened to chips?

"Harry sweetheart," Harry heard a voice call him over, his mothers voice to be exact, "Come here, there's a few people I'd like you to meet."

Harry handed his champagne glass to a nearby waiter and wiped his sweaty palms on his uncomfortable dress pants. Everyone there looked snooty and Harry had zero tolerance for people that were judgemental and rude. After taking a deep breath, he headed over to where his Mum was waiting with his Dad and another couple, "This is my son Harry." His Mum introduced him and he could see the wife looking at the flowers in his hair and his painted nails. Harry flinched when she glared at him but his parents didn't seem to notice, "Nice to meet you," Harry said monotonously.

"Indeed it is, so you'll be head of the council one day?" The husband of the pair asked and Harry nodded, unsure of whether to say something or to just let his parents talk for him. They seemed forward, which Harry hated, getting right to the point and all up in his business.

"Yes he will, won't you Harry? With your sister Gemma and maybe even a wife." His Dad winked and Harry gulped, not responding because all he could think about was: Louis, Louis and Louis. Louis came to his mind straight away. God, he was pathetic, he should've just told them. Maybe he shouldn't have been lying to them anyway. Never Mind, he and Louis were okay and that's all that mattered anyway. Not his parent's snooty friends that seemed to care more about their image than actually helping people.

"So what does he do?" The wife asked his parents as if Harry wasn't just standing there. Rude bitch, Harry thought.

"What do you mean? Harry goes to school at the same place as your daughter." His Dad replied.

"What's his power? Does he fly? Super speed? Mind reader?" The man asked and Harry rolled his eyes, of course that's what they wanted to know. Why is it their business?

"Harry is one with nature, aren't you sweetie?" His Mum smiled and Harry nodded uncomfortably, pursing his lips and just looking generally disinterested.

"Yep, I could strangle you with a vine if there was a jungle nearby." Harry deadpanned and the couple looked very startled by Harry's words.

"But he won't, because he's a hero, not a villain. I don't know what's up with him tonight, must be a bad day." His Dad said and gave Harry a warning look.

"Behave." His Mum mouthed to him and Harry kept his head down and looked his feet, wishing the night would be over, but no, because his parents just had to make a grand speech.

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