Chapter 17

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It was approximately thirteen minutes passed midnight, and Harry was sound asleep in his comfortable bed. It was at approximately fourteen minutes passed midnight that Harry screamed. It was at approximately fifteen minutes passed midnight that he felt all the oxygen leave his lungs and his parents coming into the bedroom soon after.

Quickly he was picked up by his Father and his Mother was calling the ambulance. Gemma woke up due to the commotion and wanted to cry when she saw her baby brother being carried onto a stretcher and into the back of an ambulance.

"What happened?" Gemma asked frantically.

"I don't have any idea." Her Dad answered truthfully.

"I'll meet you two at the hospital!" Anne called from the back of the ambulance and then they were driving away.


"What if Captain America and the Hulk had a baby? Do you think it would be green?" Louis asked as he shut his locker door. Zayn rolled his eyes and shrugged, not really caring about what colour the baby would be, "I don't know Louis, this isn't something I normally think about," Zayn answered honestly and Louis flicked Zayn's cheek with his fingers, "Ow stop it." Zayn glared, going to flick Louis back, but he stopped when he saw Liam walk by.

"Now, would the baby be more like the Hulk or Captain America? Because it may have a shield but it could also just be a tiny version of the Hulk." Louis talked. Zayn sighed sadly and shrugged, he wasn't in the mood for Louis to talk his ear off if he was being honest.

"I don't know," Zayn shook his head, "Did you uh, sort things out with Harry?"

"For the most part I guess," He answered, "Have you seen Harry, actually? I need to ask him something?"

"Nope," Zayn said, "What did you need to ask him?"

"Erm, a few things actually, if he'll go on a date with me," Louis blushed and Zayn smirked, "And something else, about the whole thing that's going on."

"Oh, well I haven't seen him, sorry mate." Zayn patted his back and Louis bit the inside of his cheek, watching out for Harry as people passed them in the halls.

But he never showed up, and that worried Louis as he sat in super science. He didn't care about how a freeze ray was assembled, or how the powers travel from the heart to the fingertips through the veins that normal human beings didn't have. Louis didn't care and couldn't be bothered to listen to the teacher who was probably living in his parents house at forty because he wasn't a good enough hero.

Honestly, he hated the fact he had to go to school to be a villain, he would be a villain, school or no school, thanks to his parents.

At lunch he tried calling Harry, but there was no answer. He saw Liam sitting alone and frowned. He felt bad that he abandoned him, but after what Zayn said he didn't trust Liam anymore. So instead he sat down at his regular table with Zayn, "I tried calling him but he didn't answer." Louis said worriedly.

"Maybe he's just ill and he's asleep, that happened to you remember?" Zayn pointed out and Louis nodded. He was paranoid, that's all.


A constant beeping sound woke Harry up and he tried to open his eyes, but he couldn't. He was too tired and his eyelids were so heavy. So instead he went back to sleep, deciding he would try again later.

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