Chapter 31

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"Marry me?"

"What?" Harry was baffled at Louis' outburst. He was sixteen and Louis was seventeen, almost eighteen and he'd just been proposed to.

"Marry me, now. We can do it in secret and Zayn and Niall can be there to witness it and we can stay together," Louis spoke quickly and frantically. He was so afraid Harry was going to say no because he hadn't said anything for a good five minutes now and they were just lying in silence.

"Please say something." Louis' voice cracked and he slowly sat up, so sure he'd made a mistake. It was his idea and it was a stupid one, but Zayn seemed to think it was a good plan.

"You're completely serious about this?" Harry said quietly. His heart was beating out of his chest and his eyes just focused on Louis who looked nervous, all because Harry hadn't given him an answer.

"Beyond serious." Louis answered, his voice laced with complete certainty.

"Then lets do it." Harry smiled, also sitting up. In mere seconds Louis' lips were attached to Harry's and their hands were all over each other. It was deep in the night, the moon shining brightly amongst the twinkling stars and a small bit of light peaked through the curtains as the young couple kissed, tangled with each other.

Harry'd never felt like this before. He always thought after sex he'd feel a little dirty because of the odd videos he'd watched as a teen. Yes, he was like any hormonal teen who was curious about sex, so he'd seen things.

But instead of feeling dirty Harry felt like he was on top of the world. He felt safe and he'd created a strong bond with Louis that wasn't there before. His stomach had so many butterflies and his heart was soaring.

Louis just laced their fingers together as they kissed messily, tired and worn out already. Harry just realised Louis was his fiancé and he was sixteen and about to be married. He was going to marry Louis William Tomlinson, villain, son of maybe the most dangerous villains on the planet and there he was, kissing him naked at three o'clock in the morning.

"Louis?" Harry asked breathlessly as his boyfriend's lips trailed down his pale stomach down to his pelvic area. Harry didn't know how to form proper words, his mind clouded with bliss. "Yeah?" Louis answered, voice slightly muffled. Louis' hair was a mess due to Harry's hands repeatedly tugging at it earlier that night and the stubble on Harry's thighs made him shiver under the touch.

"Love you." Harry managed to let out.

Louis squeezed Harry's hand that was laced with his, "Love you too."

And Harry was a quivering mess once again.


"Tomorrow night? And you're sure about this?" Niall asked. If Harry'd told him he was getting married a month ago, Niall would've laughed in his face and told him there was no way he was allowing him to do this. However, Harry was Harry. Harry knew what he wanted and it seemed Louis was the only person that could ever make him truly happy.

So Niall agreed to go to the 'wedding'. Of course it wouldn't be the wedding Harry'd dreamed of, but if he wanted to be with Louis, this was what he had and he was just grateful Niall was allowing him to do this. He was marrying Louis and they'd found someone to officiate their marriage.

As of tomorrow Harry would be a Tomlinson, they would've hopefully successfully eloped. He felt like he needed to tell Gemma, but he couldn't. He knew she would tell their parents and he couldn't risk it.

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