Chapter 2

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Purple flowers were sewn together neatly and sat perfectly in place on Harry's head. Zayn timidly walked over to Harry when he saw him at his locker, nervously playing with his fingers when he saw the boy was busy. It was hard for Zayn to get his attention, considering he was a very quiet person, and you had to be careful with Harry as he gets startled easily. So Zayn waited until Harry was finished and then spoke quietly, "Hello." Zayn greeted him and Harry smiled widely.

"Hi." He replied, and the two started walking down the hall together, "What's first again? I don't really know my schedule and you seem to be in all my classes." Harry asked shyly and Zayn paused to think.

"It's okay to be nervous about the school you know." Zayn chuckled quietly.

"I-I'm not nervous." Harry lied.

"I can read your emotions, so don't lie, and we have power control first, it's boring and Mr Davidson teaches it, but it helps, maybe it'll help you control your sensitivity to emotions." Zayn explained and Harry nodded, not quite understanding, which Zayn sensed, "It's supposed to teach you how to control your powers, like Liam has super strength, so it helps him keep his strength on limits you could say."

"And what about you?" Harry asked, because Zayn seemed pretty under control, his powers weren't dangerous.

"My powers aren't exactly that powerful, but it helps teaches me how to sense things that I'm maybe not advanced enough to feel now." Zayn tried to explain.

"I see." Harry nodded his head slowly.

"No you don't, you liar, it's your first class so don't worry about it, you'll get the hang of things soon enough." Zayn patted his shoulder.

"I hope so." Harry muttered.


Louis was also in that class, along with Liam which was comforting to Harry. "Mr Styles, you'll be sat next to Ashton in the back." Mr Davidson said and pointed towards a boy with unruly, brown, curly hair and hazel eyes. He had dimples like Harry, but wasn't so flamboyant in the way he dressed.

Ashton didn't say anything when Harry sat down, which was strange, but he just paid attention to the lesson, which was boring, and he just watched Louis laugh with a girl in the front row of the class. He couldn't deny he was jealous, but he just picked at the purple nail polish on his nails and copied notes if he needed to. Superhero school wasn't as eventful as he'd hoped. He'd hoped he would get to use his powers, but instead he was doing the same thing he did at his old school. Only it was worse because Niall used to be there to make him laugh, or make stupid faces or just whisper in the back, but he wasn't there and Harry kind of missed him.

Maybe this school wasn't meant for him. He wasn't as cool as other students, he didn't have super strength or speed or invisibility; Harry had plants and stupid little flower crowns that may look pretty, but did no harm when it came to actually fighting crime, which was what superheroes were meant to do.

"Mr Styles, can I have your eyes on the board." The teacher snapped him out of his trance and he tensed up, because he never got into trouble at his old school. He could feel his eyes well up with tears and immediately rain drops started to splatter onto the window, which was strange because it was sunny a few moments ago. Of course his friends- could he call them friends?- noticed the change in weather, which meant Harry's mood had shifted. And since it was rain, it meant he was upset, so Zayn gave him a sympathetic look from across the room, and Harry looked out the window, to notice the rain slowly coming to a stop. It made him feel slightly better, because it showed he wasn't as upset as he was before.

"Okay, so you're in a situation where you can't use your powers, for example, when you go shopping, and you see a villain of some sorts that's also undercover, what do you do?" Mr Davidson asked.

"You follow them?" Someone in the class answered and Mr Davidson nodded, but looked like he wanted to add more.

"You leave and wait for them to go to a more secluded space, then you deal with them." Mr Davidson finished, but Louis wasn't happy with the answer it seemed, because he put his hand up and was called on, "What if you are the villain, what about then?" Louis asked.

"How many times have I told you Louis, you don't need to know about villains." Mr Davidson sighed.

"Not all of us want to grow up and become some hero, we're not all like that, Villains have reasons for what they do." Louis snapped.

"Listen Mr Tomlinson, this is a school for heroes in training, we will have no villains in this facility, so please, keep your opinion to yourself, because it's wrong."

"My opinion is wrong?" Louis sarcastically laughed, then stood up, walking to the front of the class. "I believe that everyone has a reason for what they do, and teaching us how to be a 'perfect' hero is not the way I want to be taught. Now, what would be the point in this school if there was no crime to fight? You see, for every ten villains, there is one superhero, so statistics prove there are more villains than heroes. Now, statistics also state that sixty percent of the students that graduate from any superhero training academy turn out to be villains, so only forty perfect actually turn out the way society expected us to. So please Mr Davidson, I would appreciate it if you would keep your opinion on my opinion to yourself." Louis finished, then bowed, then sat back in his seat.

"And now that's over, so is class, have a nice day class, and Louis, you earned yourself a detention, after school." Mr Davidson said and Louis groaned, but nodded and grabbed a letter from his teacher.

"Have a lovely day sir." Louis saluted as he walked out and Harry watched in amusement, because wow, Louis was too cool for him.

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