Chapter 18

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Three days. Three days Harry was stuck in that god damn hospital. He was miserable and he wondered if anyone else actually worked there apart from his nurse, who he'd learned was called Samantha. Often he saw robots stroll along the halls out of the tiny window of the door. His parents visited him every day until visiting hours were over and one night they let Gemma stay overnight with him.

However, the torture would soon be over, as in half an hour he was allowed to go home, back to his soft bed and comfy cushions and his own clothes rather than the shitty hospital gowns they give you. His parents were filling out forms and he was sat in the hospital waiting room.

"Harry?" A voice sounded. He looked up from the uninteresting magazine he was reading and was shocked to see Olivia stood with a confused look on her face, "Olivia?" Harry stood up, shakily, might he add. She shook her head and motioned for Harry to sit back down, then she took a seat next to him.

He noticed her hair was no longer purple, and she wasn't wearing her piercings. Blonde was now the colour of her hair, not bleach blonde, more of a golden colour and she suddenly looked soft without all of the metal in her face. She still wore dark clothes, but her make up was more natural, "What are you doing here?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I had an incident, that's all, just a few issues with my organs, the usual." He laughed halfheartedly. She gasped and a look sympathy appeared on her face.

"That's awful." She said.

"Never mind me, whats brought you to this god awful place?" He asked, changing the subject. She bit her lip and ran a hand through her long hair, probably a habit. Harry noticed because Louis did it as well, he would play with his fringe and bite his lip and fiddle with whatever he could.

"I'm visiting my Gran," She answered, "She's been here for months, I think my parents are waiting for her to kick the bucket so they can inherit all of her stuff. Jokes on them because I'm the only one in my Grans will." She snorted, but Harry could see the pain that showed through her eyes. He placed a comforting hand on her arm and she smiled at him gratefully, "I'm sure she'll be fine." Harry said, but it probably did nothing to make her feel better.

"She has cancer for sucks sake, it's eating her away. We may be superhuman, but we're not invincible, you know?" She said, "Although you wouldn't, actually." She muttered to herself, but Harry didn't catch what she said, too busy thinking about how she truly must be feeling. He'd hate to lose a family member because of some awful disease.

"Harry, you ready dear?" His Mum asked, snapping him out of his thoughts. Quickly, he nodded and stood up with help from Gemma. Harry's Dad came over with a wheelchair he would have to use until he was fully healed. Apparently the doctors couldn't figure out exactly what happened, but they said he should be better by the end of the week.

Gemma pushed him and he said goodbye to Olivia. She waved and sighed as she watched Harry be wheeled out of the building.

Harry was so glad to be home. He immediately went straight to his bed and grabbed his phone. There were so many messages from his friends on his phone. Mainly Louis and Niall.

He wasn't allowed his phone at the hospital, as it interfered with the robot's programming or something. He didn't know the exact details, but he was glad to have it back. He didn't bother reading the messages, he'd see Louis at school or at his window, depending on how Louis was feeling. He'd probably see Niall later on, his Mum said she'd call him when Harry was home and okay.

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