Chapter 16

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The next morning when Harry woke up, he smiled when he saw Louis still asleep, but realised that if they didn't get up soon Harry would be caught. However, it was too late because suddenly his door was opening and Harry was ready to be screamed at. Only, he let out a breath of relief when he saw Gemma, who was looking at her brother and then Louis, and then back at Harry who was blushing.

"Was this a good idea Harry?" Gemma asked when Harry finally decided to unwrap himself from Louis' arms.

"Shh, you'll wake him up." Harry glared.

She rolled her eyes and closed Harry's door so their parents couldn't hear anything, "Out of all the people you could have in your bed, it just had to be Louis Tomlinson. A villain, our family's rivals, gone on for century's do I have to point out." Gemma said in a hushed tone.

"I was just..." Harry trailed off.

"Trying to get in trouble. Harry you're already in enough danger as it is, you don't know what Louis' hiding." Gemma glared.

"Danger? What danger I'm sixteen, I have a bloody security guard, I'm fine, I know Louis would never... Louis isn't like that." Harry finished.

"I was all for this," Gemma motioned between Harry and Louis, "In the beginning, but now I'm not so sure. You have to understand there's a lot more going on that you don't know about and adding Louis Tomlinson to the equation isn't doing any good." She snapped.

"Why? What do I not know about? Why am I suddenly left out of everything. You, Mum, Dad, basically everyone apart from me knows something and I hate it." Harry angrily replied a little too loud. Louis stirred next to him and his eyes fluttered open sleepily.

"Why're you shouting?" He mumbled, face half in the pillow. He lazily sat up and stretched, only to stop mid stretch when he saw Gemma, "Oh." Was all he said. Harry face palmed and got out of bed, putting on his slippers so his feet wouldn't be cold on the hard wood floor.

"You need to leave." Gemma told Louis.

"No you don't." Harry said, shooting daggers at his sister. Suddenly he noticed his vision was slightly blurry, so he blinked a few times in an attempt to make it better. A shooting pain went all up his arm and he winced, "You okay H?" Louis asked, concerned as he watched Harry sit back down on the edge of the bed.

"'M fine," He mumbled, "Can I have water?" Harry asked, rubbing his head as it started to pound. Gemma nodded quickly and went down the stairs to retrieve water for her brother, "It hurts Louis, make it stop." Harry said as soon as Gemma left. He didn't want Gemma to see his wrist, the only person that knew was Louis. He clutched his wrist in pain and tried to stop himself from crying.

Soon, he felt Louis next to him and he was inspecting Harry's wrist, but there was nothing new there, just the same old tattoo like thing as usual. Well, not as usual, but there was nothing overly concerning, "Is this why you went home from, school yesterday?" Louis asked softly, brushing Harry's curly fringe out of his eyes. The younger boy nodded and Louis was going to ask about his wrist, but Gemma came back with a glass of cold water.

"Thanks." Harry said, taking the glass with shaky hands and only taking small sips of the drink. Louis comfortingly rubbed his back and Gemma watched curiously from afar. Maybe Louis wasn't so villainous like his parents, or maybe Louis was just faking it in front of her brother.

Louis already didn't seem like a good influence when looking at him. Tattoos covered his arms and from what she could see, there was one on his chest poking out of the shirt he was wearing. He also smoked, she sometimes saw him and his friend that she didn't know the name of smoking on school property, which was illegal.

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