Chapter 20

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Harry sat comfortably on his bed, with Henry on his lap while he attempted to type up his homework on the computer. His cat was asleep, purring softly as Harry pressed the keys on his laptop. It was quiet, and only he and Gemma were in the house. Apparently there was something important that their parents had to tend to at Superhero headquarters, so they'd left their kids alone for the night.

Meanwhile, at HQ, Harry's parents, Liam's parents, Niall, and a few other important people sat around a large table, watching a woman with sleek black hair pulled into a bun, glasses perched atop her nose and red lipstick painted over her lips. She cleared her throat, hoping to catch everyone's attention, and it worked.

After everyone settled down she smoothed over her dress and clicked a button on the controller she was holding. A huge holographic presentation appeared, looking extremely futuristic and technical, something Liam's father created back when he was in super-training, "Good evening everyone, I'm sure everyone knows why we're here," She gave Harry's parents a sympathetic look and watched as everyone nodded, "Thanks to our team of heroes, thirty percent of the ships have been destroyed." She announced and most people cheered, apart from Harry's parents, who sighed. Anne put her head in her hands and felt tears well up in her eyes, "That's only thirty ships out of one hundred." She whispered to her husband.

"How long does that leave us?" Harry's father asked, his loud voice booming across the room. The woman giving the presentation flinched and was afraid to look him in the eye. She quickly did something on her little tablet, and frowned, "About a month." She said, her voice wavering.

"That's not enough time!" Harry's father shouted.

"That's all we have, for now. I hope you realise we're doing our best, they're powerful and will stop at nothing to get what they want. We understand you're worried, and upset-" Liam's Dad butted in, but he was interrupted by Harry's Mum.

"This is my son we're taking about!" She snapped. The room went quiet and Niall got up from his chair, his suit perfectly ironed and his hair perfectly styled upwards, "We need to move faster, or we need to find a way to stop them all together." He said.

"There's not enough of us to stop them, they're not going to stop until they have Harry, I'm sorry." Liam's Dad said, looking at Harry's parents with sorrow. It was true, they were powerful and had been planning this from the moment Harry was born.

"What about the kids? What if we used the kids, surely they'd help?" Someone suggested.

"They're not trained, none of the kids are trained. Half of the super kids are villains, they wouldn't help anyway." Niall said, but then his mind slipped to Louis. He thought about the way he treated Harry, and the way he was a complete arsehole, but when it came to Harry, he melted and was softer than butter.

"He has a point." Liam's Mum, Karen, said. She was mostly quiet during these meetings, but this was probably one of the most important meetings they'd ever had.

She remembered when Harry was first born, how everyone was so protective and Harry's Mum was afraid to leave him alone for even a second. The poor boy was coddled all his life, and it was only now Harry was beginning to wonder why that was.

She remembered the other night when Harry was round at her house, and how he helped the drunk boy, how he told Liam not to talk to him. The boy was becoming stronger, and maybe Anne needed to give him a chance. After all, there was a reason they were after him.

Karen stood up, smoothing her dress over and clearing her throat. Everyone hushed and she looked around as all eyes were on her, she wasn't used to this, "I think everyone knows the reason they're after Harry, yes?" She started, everyone nodded, "The kid has the powers, he's powerful enough to stop them all! If he had support, he could fight them off! He could beat th-"

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