Chapter 3

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"How was your detention?" Liam smirked when Louis sat down at their regular table. Harry had yet to arrive, no one knew where was, but he was probably home sick so they weren't worried. "Fucking boring." Louis grumbled and stole one of Liam's fries from his tray.

"Hey, get your own food!" Liam swatted his hand away when Louis reached for some more.

"I'm starving, and I can't be bothered to wait in the line. Plus that weird lady with the four arms and plenty of hair but no hair net is serving the mash potatoes and last time I found a hair in my mash. It wasn't my hair because it was blonde and she always gives me the creeps." Louis whispered even though the lunch lady couldn't hear them. However, Louis could see her giving him the side eye from where he was sitting, "Is she still looking at me?" Louis asked and Liam rolled his eyes, but shook his head no. So Louis turned to look at her, and she stared right back, "You liar! She still is." Louis snapped and Liam just laughed.

"She fancies you." Zayn spoke up and Louis glared, stealing another fry to throw at Zayn.

"Anyway," Louis leaned back in his chair, "Where's Harry?"

"Dead." Zayn said seriously and Louis almost choked on air, "I'm joking, I don't know, home sick probably." Zayn shrugged, then stole one of Liam's fries, but this time Liam didn't even bother to object. "Oh." Louis said.

"Did coach say anything else about the track team?" Zayn changed the subject. Louis was head of the track team, which was running, which was probably because of his super speed, but lately he's been getting detention quite a lot so he was temporarily suspended from the team until he started behaving better. "No, he just said I'm suspended until I get my learning on track. Bullshit it is." Louis rolled his eyes.

"Bullshit." Zayn mocked.

"Stop it, how would you like it if..."

"If what?" Zayn asked, then saw Louis' confused face. He was looking at something in the distance and turning to look out the window, then looking back at the same place. It was suddenly pouring down rain, thunder and lighting and everything, it was a storm and it looked nasty out there.

Zayn turned to see what he was looking at and saw Harry waking to their table. His nails were painted a pretty pink colour and his flowers were all tangled in his hair, tears fell down his cheeks and immediately Zayn was up on his feet. "Harry, you okay?" Zayn asked and Harry nodded, "You're obviously not, you can tell us." Zayn reassured him when they sat down at the table.

"I'm fine!" Harry snapped and a huge bang of thunder was heard. They all knew to just leave him alone, but they were also very worried. He obviously wasn't hurt, but that made it worse, because they couldn't figure out what the problem was. None of them could read minds and of course Jeffrey Robinson, who actually could read minds, was off sick that day.

Zayn and Liam made their own conversation, having an excuse being that they were going on some sort of date and Louis was slightly jealous of what they had. Everyone liked him, and he'd had a few relationships, but they all left when they met his parents. It was slightly awkward, it was still raining outside due to Harry still crying, but the storm had calmed down and so had Harry. So to cheer him up Louis, once again, stole one of Liam's fries and poked Harry's cheek with it. The boy's frown was wiped off his face and a small smile appeared on his lips instead. He giggled and Louis just fed him the fry. "Thanks." Harry looked up, and Louis just smiled, because he felt slightly accomplished.

"You're okay now?' Louis asked.

"No, but I'm better. I don't wanna talk about it." Harry forced a smile. This time Louis frowned, because that wasn't supposed to be his answer. He was expecting a 'Great, you cheered me up!' Or a 'Better now that I have you!' but Louis was wrong.

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