Chapter 12

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"It's just to keep you safe, that's all sweetie, we don't want you hurt." His Mum said, gently rubbing his back to make him feel better.

"I don't need a security guard following me around school, Gemma doesn't need one so why do I?" Harry asked, his Mum's eyes widening. She managed to pull herself together again and make up an excuse, "You're just a little clumsy, he'll take care of you." His Mum promised.

"I don't need to be taken care of, I'm sixteen and it's stupid, I've never needed security before so why now?" Questioned Harry, angry at his parents for not telling him the truth. He knew everyone was keeping something from him, and he needed to know what. What was so important that Harry couldn't know? Why did he need to be protected, but his sister didn't? It obviously wasn't clumsiness, they were lying. Superheroes aren't supposed to lie.

"Things are changing, that's all." His Dad said. And that was that.

Sitting in science class with a tall, buff man stood in the corner, watching Harry like a hawk was not only creeping Harry out, but also Liam. He'd explained the situation to his friend, who didn't seem to think it was that crazy of an idea.

Harry knew he knew something, why else would he be so okay with this?

"You know something." Harry whispered. Liam tensed and shook his head, continuing to write down notes as the teacher spoke, "I don't Harry. You're just paranoid." He shrugged, and Harry glared when Liam wasn't looking.

Also sitting at lunch with a security guard at their table was awkward as hell. It was just Harry, Liam and Zayn at the table and they knew what was going on. Harry knew it. However, his security guard kept sending strange looks to Zayn for a while until eventually he spoke, "Mr Styles, I'm going to ask who this young man is?" He looked at Zayn and Harry's eyebrows furrowed.

"That's Zayn, he's okay don't-"

"Zayn, as in Malik?" His security guard asked, before moving closer to Harry and putting a protective, very muscular arm in front of Harry. Zayn nodded and worriedly glanced at his boyfriend, who winced when he saw the security man write something down on a small notebook he carried around for some reason or other, "I'm going to have to ask you to leave, Mr Malik, and stay at least five metres away from Mr Styles at all times, is that clear?"

"What? Why?" Harry asked, moving to stand up, but was pushed down again by the man.

"He's dangerous, I know exactly who he is and your parents strictly said no one that came from a villains family, or that could possibly cause any threat towards you is to stay at least five metres away form you at all times." He explained.

"You're joking aren't you?" Liam butted in. He shook his head slowly and when Zayn didn't leave, he started to move towards him, and so Zayn stood up and shot daggers at the guard, "I guess I'll sit with Louis." Zayn shrugged. Liam sighed and watched his boyfriend walk off.

"I don't understand why he's here! He's ruining everything and he's been here not even a day." Harry's lips wobbled. Quickly, Liam moved to sit next to Harry and the guard stopped him. "Name?"

Rolling his eyes, he answered, "Liam Payne."

He thought for a moment before nodding, letting him sit down next to Harry, "Hey, hey you're fine, it's all good, you'll be thankful for him one day, trust me." Liam said.

"What do you know? What am I not being told?" Harry asked frantically.

"I can't... I'm not allowed to say."

"First Louis leaves me, now Zayn's not allowed near me, what's so dangerous that I need a guard?"

"I promise you'll understand soon." Said Liam softly, gently rubbing Harry's arm to try and comfort him in some way.

From across the lunch room, Louis looked longingly at Harry, knowing it would've happened at some point. There are some things he couldn't change and it was for the best that Louis stayed away from Harry. He was technically a threat to him, according to whatever that security guy told Zayn. If that was what was best for Harry, then he'd do it, he'd stay away.


One thing Harry was grateful for is that at home, he wasn't watched constantly and was able to have some privacy. The guard even followed Harry to the bathroom at school, and it wasn't that pleasant knowing someone was watching you pee. He'd also tried to talk to Louis so many times, but his guard was watching him closely and it seemed like Louis was deliberately ignoring him. Every time they made eye contact somewhere, Louis would quickly look away and act like they didn't even know each other. That hurt Harry a lot more than it should've.

"You're not gonna leave me, are you Henry?" The kitten meowed and Harry sighed, just petting the kitten that was slowly drifting to sleep on his lap. It wouldn't be that long until Henry could talk, or Harry could understand him. He would be the only one that would be able to understand Henry anyway.

The kitten also seemed to know what was up, because he didn't seem that bothered by the security guy either. God, even his cat knew why he was being watched and he didn't. Pathetic.

Was someone gonna murder him? He hoped not. He wanted to live, experience things. Like Louis.

He realised how wrong that sounded and grimaced, though he blushed knowing that if he and Louis were to stay together, they probably would be intimate at some point. He blushed again when he thought about it. He and Louis weren't even on speaking terms, so it didn't look like it was happening any time soon.

"Do you know why Louis left me?" Harry asked Henry.

He expected a simple meow, but instead he was taken aback when Henry spoke, "The same reason your parents hired that guard, to protect you."

"Holy, holy flower petals, how the heck?" Harry asked, "You're not supposed to be able to talk until, months from now!" Harry said, shocked, but he grinned and picked Henry up, cuddling him tightly. The kitten didn't seem to mind, and just let Harry cuddle the shit out of him, "Jesus Harry, you're strangling me to death." Henry wheezed and Harry quickly let him go, only to pull him closer, a little more gently this time, and hug him once again.

"Now tell me Henry, what do you know?"

The cat gulped.

A/N: This is a short, shitty and boring chapter. Though its kinda important I guess? I didn't add GIFS because I couldn't really be bothered, but oh well. Kind of a cliffhanger again. God I'm such a shitty person. Yikes. Bye.

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