Chapter 19

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Being back on the track team had lifted Louis' mood immensely. Not only were he and Harry on good terms, his grades were getting better and his parents were generally less angry.

It was January and the air was cold and crisp. Wind whipped against Louis' face as he walked slowly towards his truck. It was desperately in need of a wash, but he didn't have the time or effort to do it himself.

However, he stopped in his tracks when he saw something strange. Thinking they were hidden behind a tree, was Niall, who he already didn't trust, Liam, who he thought he could trust, and some other girl that Liam had his arm around. He recognised the girl as one of Harry's friends, or one of Harry's 'friends'.

So quickly, Louis hid behind a car so they wouldn't see him, and tried to see what they were doing. It was kind of easy to see, considering he was close. The girl, who didn't have a name, held a cigarette between her lips and waited for something Niall seemed to be getting out of his bag.

It was a piece of paper, of some sort, with a picture on it. Harry.

Louis gasped and continued to watch what they were doing. The photo was huge, and it looked like it was taken recently. Harry was wearing the same clothes as when Louis found him in the street after Nate's party, and it looked like they were taken from a distance while he was walking down the street.

He gulped when he saw Olivia- who's name he suddenly remembered- quickly fold the picture up and tuck it away in her pocket, nodding to something Niall said before walking away. Liam and Niall departed after they said something, and went opposite ways. Louis was stunned, how did Niall know Olivia and Liam?

The school was meant to be invisible to people without powers, so that meant either Harry was lying when he introduced Niall, or Niall was hiding something from Harry. It probably wasn't the first option, so Louis was determined to find out what those three were planning.

Arriving home, Louis expected the house to be empty and for everything to be normal. Except, there was a crashing sound coming from the kitchen and angry shouting could be heard. He heard his name a few times and as soon as he entered the chaotic scene, he was in shock. Shattered pieces of glass lay on the ground and his Dad was fuming while his Mum looked upset.

"Are you insane, boy?" His Dad asked, turning to Louis with a glare. His Mum looked so disappointed, with a frown etched onto her face and her eyes filled with sadness. Louis wasn't so sure what he was meant to say. He didn't even know what his Dad was talking about, so he didn't say anything, "Harry Styles. The next leader of the super world! Are you bloody out of your mind, Louis William!" His Dad screamed, making him and his Mum flinch.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Louis lied.

"You're friends with him, I know that. Liam told me, I can't believe you, Louis, I thought we told you to stay away from him?" His Mum said, talking in a calmer tone than his Dad.

"I'm not, Liam's lying, he helped me on a project at school, that's all." Louis bit the inside of his cheek to stop him from shouting. His fists were clenched at his sides and he was breathing heavily.

"Louis, that family is everything we're against. And their son will be no different, one day you'll understand." His Mum said.

"Will I though? Because I don't think I ever will understand why you hate them so much, they're heroes, so what? If anything we're the bad people, and Harry has nothing to do with whatever you and his parents have against each other." Louis sighed.

"So Liam was telling the truth, you two are friends?" His Dad said angrily.

"I never said that."

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