Chapter 11

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After rushing home the night before, Harry was grounded and sent to his room like a five year old. He was quite angry about it too, but... he did sneak out and leave an 'important' dinner. But every dinner is apparently important to his snobby parents. He hated that they were high up in power, because that meant they had higher expectations in power. Honestly he was more worried about Olivia's boyfriend than him being grounded. He was only grounded for a week, which didn't seem like a long time, but when you're only going to school and back for a week, it gets boring.

Of course, Harry being Harry, he decided he would read his book and forget that Louis was able to fly through the window at any time. So when he heard a big, thud, on the floor, he was every startled to say the least.

Louis stood up and brushed himself off, recovering quickly from the crash landing. Harry glared at him and put his book down, only to do a double take because of what he saw.

Louis had a black eye, which looked fresh and a busted lip to match. From what he could see there were bruises on his arm, and unlike Olivia, he couldn't just lift his shirt up like she did with Nate because Harry wasn't Louis' boyfriend, thought he'd like to be. He then looked down at Louis' hands to see his bruised knuckles that looked painful and still had dried blood kind of covering them.

Immediately, Harry assumed the worst, that he'd been beaten up or assaulted. However, he changed his mind when he saw his knuckles, because that meant Louis probably hurt the other guy too. "What did you do? What happened?" Harry asked quickly, cupping Louis' jaw with his own delicate hands. Swallowing the lump in his throat, he simply replied, "I got in a fight."

"I can see that." Harry sighed, moving his hands to hold Louis' and to see him wince when he brushed his thumb against the dark, purple bruises.

"I shouldn't have come here, but my parents would've killed me." Louis said, voice wavering slightly as he was in a lot of pain. Harry didn't say anything and guided Louis to sit on his bed so he could grab some ice or anything he could if to help Louis' wounds. Honestly, Harry was very confused as to who would've done this, or why they would've done it. Then again, it could happen to anyone, look at Nate, for example.

"Who did this?" Harry asked, examining Louis' black eye.

"I don't know, can't remember." Louis lied, and Harry didn't ask questions. He was quick to believe people, he wasn't going to question anything further,"I'll have to go downstairs to get ice, stay here." Harry said and left Louis alone in his room.

Louis felt guilty for lying to Harry, but what else could he do? He didn't want to tell Harry what really happened, or why it was happening. One bad thing about being a villain, or having parents that are villains, is that you're exposed to everything. He suspected Harry was hidden away, and that his parents never told him how cruel the world actually was. He could understand why they would want to do that, Harry was delicate and he wouldn't be able to handle it yet.

That's why Louis made the decision that he would leave Harry alone. He wasn't good for him, and Louis would cause problems in the end. Yet, why was he there running to Harry for help? Shouldn't he have just gone home, or to Zayn's? He was so conflicted with everything and his head hurt and he just sat quietly while he waited for Harry to come back.

Louis promised himself then that he would keep away from Harry after this night, because he wasn't good enough. All Harry needed was safety and security and Louis couldn't give him that.

"I'm back," Harry said softly as he held up the ice pack that he'd stolen from the freezer, and a wet cloth, "Hold this to your eye," Harry instructed quietly as he pressed the ice to Louis' swollen eye, "It should make the swelling go down."

"I'm sorry." Louis apologised. Harry shook his head in dismissal and continued to dab the wounds on his knuckles in an attempt to clean them up. He had bandages in his bathroom cabinet somewhere, but he couldn't quite determine the exact place, "Don't apologise, I don't mind." Harry said nonchalantly, not realising Louis' apology had a deeper meaning.

"I'll not bother you after this." Louis said.

"I don't mind." Harry insisted, not understanding yet again.

"No, I'm sorry, I'll leave you alone after this, you deserve better than this." Louis explained.

"Louis, what are you talking about? You got into a fight, so what, it's not a big de-"

"Not this, there's much more to this than you think, but you're so goddamn protected that you're in this little bubble your parents created for you!" Louis snapped, becoming frustrated.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Harry's lip quivered.

Louis noticed and cursed under his breath. He took the ice pack from his eye and pulled his other hand from Harry's grasp. Quickly, he handed Harry the ice pack and watched as Harry started to cry, "I shouldn't have come here in the first place. Fuck, I shouldn't have even talked to you in the first place!" Louis said angrily to himself.

"You can't leave, don't leave." Harry begged, but Louis just opened up Harry's window again.

"I'm sorry." Louis said, getting ready to fly away.

"No goodbye kiss?" Harry asked, his voice cracking.

"No, goodbye Harry." Louis said and flew away.


What were his parents hiding from him? What was so important that even Louis, someone he thought cared about him, wouldn't even tell him? Was he really that secluded?

Now that he thought about it, yes. Yes he was.

Security followed Harry to school and back, his parents were constantly petrified something would happen to Harry. They weren't like that with Gemma. Never. She went out to parties and got drunk, probably had sex. She even brought people home and his parents never gave a damn.

The only person Harry was allowed to be with was Niall, and the people his parents tried to set him up with.

There was something everyone was keeping from him, and he didn't know what.


When he and Gemma were escorted to school on Monday, a million thoughts were going through Harry's mind. Why was he not allowed to know anything? Why did even Louis know? Did Zayn and Liam know? He doubted Niall did.

He was sat in class next to Liam when the head teacher, Mr Smith, came to the door and the class was interrupted. There was a stern look on his face and the class went silent, " Harry Styles, please." Was all he said and Harry gulped, grabbing his bag and silently making his way to the front where Mr Smith was waiting.

His office was filled with Mr Smith himself, Harry's parents and a large man wearing a security outfit, "What's going on?"

A/N: Cliffhanger, damn. I don't have anything to say. Happy birthday to Anne, Harry's Mum! That's it, I think :/

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