Choice? Confess.

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-Tsumi POV-

So I've found out I'm gay. I'm in love with my best friend, Misoiko. We've already told Kokoru, and she accepted us..a little too much >.<
Now I had to decide..should I tell my parents? My friends..? Or should I keep it a secret..?

On our way home from school, the same day that we had came out to Koko, I was lost in thought about this.
(Will my friends leave me..? Will my parents and sisters hate me?..)
"Damn.." I said quietly, mostly to myself. "What is it, Tsumi..?"
"I.." I stopped walking and turned towards him. "Misoiko, what should I do friends and family? Should I tell them..?"
He looked down, and seemed to zone out. After a few minutes of us standing there in silence, he spoke.
"Well..I don't want you to do anything you aren't comfortable with. If you want to keep 'us' a secret..I understand."
Even though he said that, I saw a hint of hope and sadness in his eyes.
"N-no..that may not be a good idea. Besides..if we ever get caught together, and we kiss or something, it could be hard to explain then." I stated.
"True.." "So..I parents first..and if it doesn't go too horrible, then my friends."
"Are you sure you want to do this..?" He asked. "Yeah..I..don't want to keep you a secret.."
"Okay.." He looked down nervously, "then..I'll tell my parents too. Koko is my only friend really, so I don't have to worry about telling friends."
"Your parents don't know that you'"
He shook his head, "no.."
We started walking again. "You see.." he continued, "my dad raised me..wanting me to be a 'ladies man'. I've only ever been with one girl in my life, so he's a bit disappointed in me..and I have dated some guys, but my parents never knew."
"I see..then, are you want to tell them..?" He nodded and smiled.
"I really care about you, Tsumi. I don't want to keep you a secret."
We got to my home. "Do you want to come in..? I..could use some support when I tell everyone.."
"Y-you're doing it now..?! I-" he looked down shyly, "I'm worried.."
"Don't be..but..please, come with me.."
He nodded and came inside with me.
"Uh...go ahead and sit down, alright..? I'll..go gather everyone up."
"..alright." He sat down and I told my family to come into the living room for a 'family meeting'. Once everyone was in there, I took a deep breath, and started. "Y-you see..I-...I'm not sure how to say this exactly.."

~Misoiko POV~

So..Tsumi actually decided to come out. He gathered his family up in the living room and started trying to tell them.
"Y-you see..I-...I'm not sure how to say this exactly.."
I could tell he was having trouble..he glanced over at me and I smiled, giving him a thumbs up...hoping that it would somehow help him.
He smiled, took another deep breath, and did it. "I'm..I"
Everyone sat there in silence for a few moments, until his dad spoke up.
"Son.." Tsumi closed his eyes tightly, as if expecting to be yelled at. "Congratulations!" His father finished, sincerity in his voice. Tsumi looked at him, shocked. "Huh..?!"
Then his mother spoke up.
"Tsumi,'re our son! We'd love you no matter what! I'm glad that you told us, instead of keeping it a secret."
"Heehee, so bubby likes boys?" His youngest sister asked.

-<note-his younger two sisters aren't used often in this story. However, if you'd like I know, the youngest is Mari, and the middle sister is Kima. I will most likely not remember their that's why i'm writing this.>-

"Yeah..Tsumi's a big queer." Ren stated. "REN!" Their mother yelled.
"What, he is, right..? Just telling the truth here."
"Go to your room right now!" Their father demanded.
Ren stormed out.
"I'm sorry son." His father stated.
"So..who's the lucky boy..?" His mother asked.
"W-well..he's..someone really important to me..."
"What's he like?" Kima asked.
"He's..kind, smart..funny, caring..he's the most wonderful person I've ever met." He glance over at me, causing me to look down and blush.
"It's...Misoiko." He finished.
All eyes turned on me, causing me to blush even more.
"I would've never guessed..that you were gay.." His father stated.
I nodded, still looking down.
"Well, does anyone else know..?" Tsumi's mother asked him. "Only our friend Kokoru.." "And I'm telling my parents tonight." I said.
" sure?" Tsumi asked. "Yeah.."
Not long after, I went home. Tsumi offered to go with me, but I figured it may be best for me to do this alone.
When I got home, my parents were sitting in the kitchen, eating dinner.
"We didn't expect you home so early!" Mother said. "Yeah..uh guys.."
They both looked at me. "I have something to tell you.."
Hope it isn't too mean to end the chapter like this. Hope you're all enjoying this story so far. Next chapter may be sad. Please don't hate me, this is actually based on a true story about my two best friends. If I'm gonna write a story, I'm gonna try to do it right :/

Love you all!

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