What's up..?

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Tsumi's POV-

I woke up the next morning with Misoiko asleep in my arms, however, his back facing me. (I feel bad..for doing that to him last night..) *sigh*

"Mmm" Misoiko moans, turning towards me. I was in a weird mood, so I thought it would be a good idea to just poke his face.

*poke* "Ey...you awake?" *silence*

(...man..I have to pee, but I can't move with him on my arm!)

*poke-poke* "Misoikoooo"

"Nnn" suddenly, he slapped me. "Oww! What was that for?!"

He sat up on the bed and yawned. "One, you made me do dirty things last night. Two, you woke me up. Three.." He started repeatedly poking my cheeks, "would you like to be woke up like this?!"

"Okay, okay..stop it! I'm sorry. But I had to wake you up, you were laying on my arm and I have to use the bathroom."

Misoiko pouted. "Hey, what's wrong?" I asked.

"A-am I really so fat..you can't free your arm from under me? I-I'm sorry...I'll go on a diet..I-"

"What the hell is wrong with you man? I just didn't want to wake you up by doing that."

"So you thought poking my face was better..?"

I felt my face heat up slightly. "Sh-shut up. Anyway, why don't you go get Koko up while I go to the bathroom?"

-Misoiko's POV-

"Sure" I replied. I began getting dressed as Tsumi left the room. When I finished, I went to Koko's room.

She was sprawled out on her bed like some kind of rag doll.

"Kokkooo.." I went over to her and tried shaking her awake.

(Darn..she's a stubborn sleeper..)

Suddenly, I remembered that she's really ticklish on her stomach. "..tickle tickle!...ow!"

Koko kicked me hard. "S-sorry!!" She stammered.

"I-it's alright.." I sat down and looked at her, holding my stomach out of pain. "Darn it woman, you've got quite a kick!"

"Yeah, well.." Suddenly, she stopped talking, looked at my face, blushed, and ran out of the room.

"H-hey Koko!!" I ran after her, however, I ended up losing her.

"Koko..it's too early for hide and seek..." I opened the door to the kitchen closet, "besides..." I looked in the gap between the refrigerator and the counter, to find Koko facing the wall, "you really suck at it."

She jumped after realizing I was right behind her. I walked up behind her and put my hands on her shoulders.

"What's up with you?"


"You blushed and then ran from me. What's going on here?"

"I--" she turned to face me, "I just had a bad dream,alright?"

"Really?" "Yes. Please, leave me alone about it.."

"O..kay.." I stated, not quite believing her.

"Yo, Koko!" Tsumi shouted, walking over to us. I noticed her face redden again, and she walked away with her head down. "Hey.." She mumbled.

"What's up with her?" Tsumi asked, clearly confused.

"I have no idea." I replied.

-Koko's POV-

Darn it..I can't stop thinking about what I saw! I know that they want to know why I'm acting so weird, but how exactly should I tell them? ..'ohh, you know, just watched you guys having sex last night, that's all!'

"What the fuck?" I mumbled out loud without realizing.

"Holy crap..Misoiko, did Koko just use the 'f' word?!" I heard Tsumi tease. "I believe so.." Misoiko replied.

Next thing I knew, I was being pinned to a wall by the two boys, who were both giving me cautious, yet serious stares.

"Koko," Tsumi started. "What's up with you?" Misoiko finished.

"I-I" I stammered, unable to meet their stares. Misoiko placed his hand under my chin to make my eyes meet with his, causing my blush to return.

"Please tell us..if it's something bad, we promise not to get mad," Tsumi stated. Misoiko nodded in agreement.

(Damn it..well, they don't have to know I saw...)

"W-well..I.." I took a deep breath and continued, "I know that you guys..did stuff last night."

Misoiko removed his hand from my chin and hit Tsumi hard in the head. "D-damn it tsumi!! This is all your fault, ya know.." He shouted. "It's not just my fault, is it?" He replied loudly. Suddenly, they both got silent and turned towards me. "You saw..didn't you..?" Tsumi asked.

"Wh-what?! W-what makes you think that?" I asked.

Misoiko slightly laughed.

"Dude, what's so funny?" Tsumi asked.

"I know, Koko..I know what happened. You don't have to say it if you don't want to." Misoiko calmly remarked.

"H-huh?! B-but if you knew, then why did you-"

"I figured since you like that stuff so much, we could give you a little show." He interrupted.

Tsumi looked at him, bewildered and confused. "You knew she was watching?"

Misoiko nodded. "Misoiko," Tsumi started, "you, sir..are a total freak."

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