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-warning..this chapter may be boring, but it has something important about Koko in it..so it's up to you whether you want to read it or not.-

-Misoiko's POV-

I called Jenn at break to see if I could stay with a friend that night, and she said I could. Of course..I didn't say it was a 'girl' friend, because then they'd probably get the wrong idea, considering that they don't know I'm gay.

So after school, we met at the usual meeting place for Tsumi and I. When the three of us were together, Koko took us to her car, and drove us to her home.

"Here we are!" She yelled excitedly. She quickly ran inside, and we struggled to keep up.

"So..welcome to my home! Let me give you guys a tour."

She showed us every room in the house...2bathrooms,3bedrooms,a big kitchen, an even bigger living room..she seemed to have a pretty rich family, considering that there was a big screen tv in the living room and all 3 bedrooms, and really fancy furniture and appliances in all of the rooms. There's also a huge garden in the back, with a crystal clear blue creek, a bridge going over it in the center, cherry blossom trees, fruit trees, and a vegetable garden on each side of the back door that led to the garden. At the end of the tour, Koko took us into the kitchen.

-Kokoru's POV-

"So, would either of my handsome sons like something to eat? I make pretty good cheese burgers!" I asked, wanting to help them maybe feel more at home with some food.

"Sure.." Tsumi replied. "Can we help in any way..?" Misoiko asked.

"Nah, I want to treat you two, so I need to do it myself!"

With that, I started preparing the burgers. (Darn it..we don't have anything to put on them..)

"Hey guys..I actually could use some help, if you don't mind."

"Sure!" Tsumi quickly responded.

"Can you get me..two tomatoes and two onions..?"

"Sure!" Misoiko shouted, quickly running out of the kitchen.

"H-hey, wait up!" Tsumi ran out after him.

They soon came back with two big onions and tomatoes, and Misoiko washed and cut them. We got our cheese burgers ready and sat down to eat.

"Hey Misoiko..I was wondering," Tsumi started, "where are your parents..?"

(M-my parents..) I sat staring into space, a bit shocked from his sudden question.

-Tsumi's POV-

(Maybe..I shouldn't have asked..)

After I asked Koko where her parents were, she just..froze up.

"Koko..?" Misoiko tried to snap her out of it, waving his hand in front if her face. "Anyone in there..?"

She flinched and sat her burger down.

"Sorry, guys. My parents went to the grocery store for a little bit."

"Do you know how long they might be gone..?" I asked.

"U-um...well...they left at around maybe..9:00..Thursday, while we were at school..soo..." She started counting on her fingers, "one..two..uhh..soon I hope!" She said, smiling slightly. "Thursday?!" Misoiko exclaimed, "but that was five days ago!!" "You don't think something happened to them, do you?" I asked. "Nope, my aunt said she talked to them yesterday." "Have you talked to them..?" Misoiko continued the conversation. "No..." "You don't think they..left..do you..?" I asked. Her smile faltered for a moment, but she kept a straight expression. "N-no, why would they? I mean..they don't like my style much..dad thinks I'm kind of a slut..and we weren't too close, but.."

Quickly, she jumped up and ran up the stairs. Misoiko and I followed her. She was in a room that was mostly empty, the only things left were a bed, dresser, and a nightstand.

Koko collapsed onto the dark hardwood floor and began to cry.

(I can't believe someone's parents could do something like this..!) "Koko..." Misoiko kneeled down by her, hugging her tightly. "It's alright.."

"I never would've thought..they would actually leave me..now I'm alone.."

"No you're not, you have us!!" Koko looked up at Misoiko for a moment, before leaning in and crying on his shoulder.

"Shh..it's alright, Kokoru." He said while gently stroking her hair.

I, being the curious person I am, had to snoop around the room, opening drawers and such. I found a note in the nightstand drawer.

_Dear Kokoru,

Knowing that you don't enter our room without permission, it may be a while before you find this note. Your father and I..we do love you. Therefore, we had to leave. I know you have some wonderful friends..so, see if maybe they can keep you company. I'm sorry about this. I don't expect you to forgive us..but this decision was best for the three of us. We do love you. -mom&dad_

I handed the note to Koko for her to read. When she finished, her tears stopped. She stood up and walked out of the room. We followed her into the kitchen.

She sat down and silently continued to eat. (Is..is she okay..? I'd hate to ask right now though, maybe it would be better to wait..)

When we all finished eating, she finally spoke. "I guess..it's just for the best. We never really got along too well anyway. I just..hoped it would get better somehow, I didnt think..no, i didnt want to submit to the thought that they left me"

"Koko.." I started, while Misoiko and I both hugged her, "you still have us..you're our mommy AND our best friend, so we kinda have to stick together."

She sighed and nodded. "Yeah, I'm not gonna be like them, I have to take good care of my sons."

She stood up and smiled brightly again. "Now, lets get our pajamas on and start the sleepover!"

"And considering its Misoiko's first time at an official sleepover, lets make it an awesome one!" I added.


I feel really bad about Kokoru's situation, but she's strong willed and positive, and she knows it was best that her parents left..I'm sleepy -.- Nighty night everyone!


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