Why must it be you..?

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-Misoiko POV-

Tsumi and I had became friends after the day I confessed. I was sad that he turned me down, but happy that I could still be close to him.
It was awkward at first, but we became closer and closer as friends. As our friendship grew stronger, so did my love for him. I don't believe that he's noticed the fact that I deeply love him.
Tsumi and I have helped each other through hard times over the past few months. Today, he was trying to cheer me up after I had been mentally bullied by some kids at a neighboring school, calling me a "fag" and saying things like "you should crawl in a hole and die!", or "go cry to your mommy, you stupid homo!". Anger and sadness had washed over me, and Tsumi noticed right when he saw me. We had went up to my room and I explained the situation to him. That's when things got..interesting.

"Misoiko, don't pay any attention to those bastards! They're just stupid pricks that have no lives. They pick on people like you, who are cute, funny, sweet..and just overall wonderful..because they think it can make them happy." He complained.
We were sitting beside of each other on the dark brown wooden floor of my room. I looked up at him.
"Does that mean..you think I'm those things..?" I asked hesitantly. "Of course I do!!" He exclaimed.
I looked him in his beautiful blue eyes, taking his chin in my right hand.
"Why..why must it be you, my best friend..who I love so much..?"
Saying that, I gently, yet forcefully, pushed him down onto the floor. I kissed him deeply, using all of the passion I've held in for the past few months. He struggled at first, trying to get free, but i couldn't loosen my grip on him. Finally, he gave up and kissed me back. After a minute or so, I finally came to my senses and pulled back slightly. His face was as red as it could possibly be.
"I-I'm so sorry! I-I don't know wha--" while talking, I started pulling back away from him. However, before I could finish my sentence,or even sit up, he wrapped his arms around the back of my neck and pulled me close for another passion-filled kiss. As he pulled away, I slightly pouted in my head, but was fiercely blushing and surprised as well.
"T-Tsumi.." I stammered.. "Wh-what are you..doing..?"
"I..I've...I'm sorry. It's just that..for some reason I've wanted to kiss you too lately. I..I just didn't plan on you kissing me. When you pulled away, I...I needed more." He stated shyly.
Then he looked me in the eyes. "Besides, you've wanted it for a few months now, haven't you..?"
I nodded slightly, feeling my face redden even more. He smiled. "Uh..Misoiko.." He started, "could..could we maybe do it again..?"
I smiled, intertwining my fingers around the back of his head and pulling him closer..his soft lips soon meeting with mine.
I'm really sorry about the late update. I've had company all day. Luckily I wasn't able to sleep and remembered that I hadn't written today!
Anyways, next chapter=slightly more fun and Tsumi's thoughts of what's been going on!....but then it may get boring again :/
Hope you're enjoying the story..!

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