Sorry Love

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  Your pov.

I was just walking to Starbucks when a boy crashed into me.

"Ow! Why did you do that?" You screamed in pain.

"Oops, sorry love! My friends pushed me into you, they idiots." He said, helping you up.

"It's okay, but I would like to meet your idiot friends." You smirked.

"Okay, come follow me." He led you to his 3 friends.

"This is Harry, Liam, and Louis. Louis and Harry was the one who pushed me." He added.

"Harry, Louis," you called.

They answered, "What?"

You pushed them into Liam. "Sorry Liam!" You called, before turning to the two boys. "Don't do that again." You walked away.

"Wait!" The boy called, "I didn't get your name!"


"I'm Niall."

And that was the start of a beautiful relationship. ❤️

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