Im not ready pt 4

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  "Fasten your seatbelt, for were landing soon." The speaker said.

We all followed him. (Or her?)

"Omg I can't believe I'm meeting one direction! You young lady, are perfect! Why did he let you go?" Sophie whispered.

I shrugged and looked out the window. Why are all these fans here?

"Wait, what city is this?" I asked Sophie, pulling out my phone.

"New York City, why?" Sophie replied, confused.

I went to Niall chats. Aha!

From Niall 💚

We're going to NYC the first night of our tour. We're gonna to be on Air Force 1. (An first name that popped up in my mind XD) See ya xx

"Is this Air Force 1?" I asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"Niall is on this plane." I whispered.

"Y-you mean O-one D--?"

I nodded, "yes! Now ssh don't tell anyone!"

She smiled, and pretended to zip up her lip.

I sent a text.

From (y/n) 💘

Are you safe? Landed safe?

I smiled, knowing the answer.

From Niall 💚

Yeah, why? You're hoping he's dead?

From (y/n)

Who this?

From Niall

I'm not telling, but he's depressed. I'm mad at you! You broke his heart! He was trying to apologize and you walked away. You can't stay near him anymore.

"Are you okay?" Sophie asked, wiping my tears.

"N-no! Maybe I should leave!" I exclaimed.

Luckily the plane landed, and I was allowed to get off.

"(Y/N), wait!" I heard.

I turned around, "What Sophie?"

"I-I'm sorry." She spoke softly.

"For what?" I asked.

"For making you mad."

"You didn't. Someone else did."

"Is that (y/n)?" I heard fans asked each other.

I kept walking, why bother? Why bother with life?

I took one last look, big mistake.

Niall and the other boys were walking. Toward me.

I walked away before they could see me.

I heard Niall said, "I thought that was (y/n). Never mind."

"Don't worry, she's just an idiot for leaving you." Harry I think spoke.

"No she not! She did the right thing. I was the one who's an idiot. I-i took out all my stress on her and now she's gone!" Niall sobbed.

"Really? She did? You did?" Harry for sure asked.

"Yeah." Niall shrugged. "But she's not here."

That's when I spoke, "Yes. I am here. By accident. I forgot you was coming here and I got on. And Niall, I called you to say I'm coming home." I explained, tears coming down my face.

"I love you (y/n)! Please, forgive me! Please take me back!" Niall plead.

"Please go out on a date!" Louis mocked. Liam slapped him.

"I forgive you, and I'm taking you back. I love you." I smiled.

And that was one of the best decisions i made.

And I gave birth to Nila (your middle name) Horan.


That's the end of I'm not ready! (:

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