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You woke up all excited, because its your birthday!

You yawns, and get out of bed. "Niall?" you called out.

He rushes in, and smiles. "Hi love, happy birthday. There's breakfast on the table."

You follows him into the dining room, where there is pancakes, eggs, bacons, and orange juice for you. (You can change the meal to however you like)

You looks over to niall, who was smiling proudly. "Thank you, this looks delish."

"Oh trust me, it is. I sneaked some." he laughs. You rolls your eyes, and sit down to eat.

"What are we doing today?" you asks.

"Its a surprise for my baby." he winks.

You wasn't the one for surprises and begs him to tell you.

Being the stubborn brat he is, he refuses until you accepts it with a sigh.

Couples minutes later, the doorbell rings and you answers it to find your best friend.

  "Hi (y/n)! Want to go shopping with me?" she ask.

  You looks over to Niall, who is nodding for you to go.

  "Sure! Lets go."

   You walks to the car and jams to the radio. After thirty minutes, you arrives to the mall.

   "Lets go to forever 21!" your best friend cheers, while you laughs and agree.

   You make your way to the store, which have a sale on everything. You looks around until you find a pretty light (your favorite color) dress, and thinks, I want this.

    You takes it and go to the dressing room and found that it fits. You make your way to (y/bff/n) and told her, "I'm getting this."

   She smiles and agree. She pays for it as "your birthday present" as you complains that you have money.

    "Cmon its your birthday, accepts it!" she says whilst smirking.

   You sighs and thinks, "why is everyone acting weird?"

   You leave the mall after finding what you wants and go to (y/bff/n) house.

    Your best friend told you to put on the dress, and you does what she says with confusion.

  You put on converse with it, (or heels if you wants) and goes home with your best friend.

   When you arrives, you goes inside.

    "Surprise!" you hears and you looks around.

     All your friends and family is at your house for a surprise party, and you look over to your best friend.

    "Hey, I didn't plan this. Niall did."

     Niall makes his way to you and take your hands. "Happy birthday love." And he gives you your favorite flowers.

     You hugs him and whispers, "thank you. This is the best birthday so far."

     You spends the rest of the day with niall, friends, and family.


Hey guys. I'm sorry for not updating in a long time. There's no excuses. I was lazy and have no clue what to write. I was on wattpad reading books, but not writing. Ill try my best to start updating more often. If I dont, feel free to ask me to update or request something. Love you guys- Jen ❤

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