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I was walking home from work when I fell.
Someone reached out and grabbed my hand, making sure I don't fall.
"Thank you," I breathed out, still shaken up from what nearly happened.
The stranger smiles and walk away.

The next day, I went to the store. I was in the chips aisle and trip over a bag of chip i didn't see.
The same stranger came by and helped me out, "you really need to stop being clumsy," he laughs.
I laughs too, "I know."
We both walk away from each other.

The next week, we kept seeing each other and soon I couldn't get him out of my mind.
I went up to him one day, then the worst thing happened. I fell.
He helps me out again, and i speaks, "I'm so sorry. I just came up to you to know if you maybe want to get some coffee but I fell-"
"Yes, I would like to get coffee with you. Can we make it a date?" He replies.
"Sure, my name is (y/n)."
"Niall, nice to see you again," he grins.

Five years later, you are walking down the aisle at your wedding.
You suddenly trips over your shoes and fall face flat in front of Niall.
"Still the same," Niall laughs, and help you up.
"Yeah, of course," you laughs too.

A/n- okayyy guyssss, I decided I'm gonna update every Monday and Friday. So yeah, I hope you liked this one. I thought it was kinda cute and yeah...

Love you guys ❤️

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