I'm not ready pt 2

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I kept walking down a familiar street. My best friend, Louis, live here.

I rang the doorbell. "Hello?"

"It's me, (y/n)." You spoke in a shaky voice.

"Have you been crying?!" Louis exclaimed, opening the door.

"I'm pregnant. And Niall don't want it, he kicked me out." You sobbed.

"Oh love, come here," he soothes you, pulling you in a hug, "you want me to punch him?"

You looked up, "Really? You'll do that for me? No.. Cuz he's your best friend. I can't do that. Just.. Tell Niall I'm leaving. That's it."

"Okay." He smirked.

You waved, before turning and smacking into someone.

"Oof, who's in my way!" You exclaimed in pain.

"Im sorry (y/n)!" Niall exclaimed.

"Oh sure. 'I'm sorry, I'm not ready and kicked you out. I'm sorry for being a asshole to you.' Yeah I don't think so!" You screamed.

"YOU FUCKING HURT MY FEELINGS! You know, it's your fault I'm pregnant! Not mine, your! Who put the sperm in me?! Oh you! So don't apologize, and don't follow me. It not gonna work." You spoke, before leaving.

"What did I do?" Niall moaned to Louis behind you.


Part 3 coming soooooooooooooooooooooooooooon!!!! ^.^

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