im not gay

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i was working at arby's again, waiting for my shift to end. i look up at the clock, another hour to go.
i look up and see a guy with curly hair and green eyes looking at me.
"hey cutie, how you doing?" he grins.
"don't flirt with me, i'm not gay. anyway what do you want to order?"
"you're a tough nut, huh. that's okay, i can crack nuts. anyway, i want the cheeseburger and curly fries."
"okay, that's would be five dollars."
he hand me the money and a note then walk off.
i look at the note and see a phone number. i rolls my eyes.
i noticed his food was ready so i hand it to him and he thanks me with a wink.
i roll my eyes, and hand him his note as well.
"i am not gay."
he frowns, and walk off with his food.
when my shift was done, i walk outside and feel a hit to my head which knock me out.
when i wake up, i see that same guy from arby's. he smiles at me, and says, "i heard this is the best way to make someone fall in love with you."
i try to talk, but i have something covering my mouth. i freaks out because the room is very small.
the guy notices my freaking out, and says, "the only way i'll let you out is if you date me. just one date."
i nod, anything to get out of here.
he let me out, and ask me where to go.
i suggest nandos, and he offer ice cream afterwards.
"but first," i says, "what's your name?"
"harry. i know yours. i saw your name tag at arby's, niall."
we walk to nandos, and he pull out my chair for me.
"thanks harry..."
"you're welcome, now let's get to know each other."
we talk about many things and i realize, this was easy. he was easy to talk to.
i find myself falling for him, but i can't. i'm not gay.
when we finish our ice cream, he let me walk home. i walk to liam's, so i can talk to him. i'm just so confused right now.
when i arrive, liam let me in. i explains everything, and he gasps.
"i know harry. he's one of my friends. he's not gay, he got a girlfriend. taylor."
i laughs, "good! then he can leave me alone. our date was nothing anyway."
when i get home, i notice a phone call.
i answers, "our date was nothing! fuck you!"
i frowns, "harry- you got a girlfriend."
"she's actually my best friend. i'm still in the closest. she's just a beard."
i rolls my eyes, "okay then. bye."
"niall! wait-" i hang up.
the next morning, i wake up and go to work.
harry come in, and groans when he sees me.
i felt... sorry, maybe i did like him. he does look hot right now.
he ignore me, and walk out.
i look at the clock, it's my break time. i run out and chase after him.
"harry! i'm sorry! i'm just confused. i feel something with you but i don't know what."
he rolls his eyes, "whatever."
i whisper, "maybe i am gay. i don't know."
i turn around and run, hearing harry chasing me. when i cross the street, a car hit me and i pass out.
i wake up, and see my family.
"where's harry?" i asks.
"this one guy i met at arby's."
"you never worked at arby's tho-"
i was confused, was all this a dream?
a doctor come in with harry.
"that's harry!" i screams.
          harry looks over at me then the doctor, "is he okay?" he asks.
         the doctor nods, "i guess he had some vivid dreams when he was in his coma. it happens sometimes." then the doctor turns to me, "niall, this is harry. he has cancer and only have 2 months left to live."
         i gasps, then harry leave the room along with everyone else. i grab a paper and write
       hey, it's niall. come to my room. i want to talk to you.
        when the nurse come, i asks to bring the note to harry. she take it and then i sleeps.
        i wake up to a voice, and i smiles.
         "you're here!"

     i know this was shitty, but i hope y'all love this anyway (:

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