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-nialler pov-

   I decided to go with the plan today. I have to. No one love me anymore! The fans clearly don't.

   (Random user on Twitter)- @NiallOffical no one like you. You're ugly af!

    (R/T/N)- @NiallOffical bye, you don't belong in 1D!

   (R/T/N)- You my least favorite! You can't even sing!

  And it doesn't matter what the boys tried to do.

  Liam- shut up about Niall! He's amazing!

  Louis- He's better singer than you you ugly jealous hater -.-

  Zayn- Don't make me stop 1D to protect Niall!  >:'(

   Harry- Stop that about sweet little Nialler! You're hurting my feelings! :(

   I sighed, and tweeted something.

It's okay, they're telling the truth anyway. Time to face it, bye.

  Then I logged out. (Y/N) can delete it for me someday.

   Speaking of which, I have to write a letter.

   Loved ones, (Lads, Family, and (Y/N),

   It hurt me deeply to let haters win, but I can't have you guys suffer through it either! I pull off the act for too long, and it's time for me to end it. When you find this note, it'll be too late. Please don't cry, because you can find someone newer! And better than me! Mum, Dad, you have Greg. Harry, Louis, Zayn, and Liam, you have each other. (Y/N), I'm sorry. But I think Harry like you. Maybe you will too! Eventually! Please don't forget me! Xoxo, Niall :)

   Then I dried my tears, and grabbed the pills I'll be needing. Walking toward the bathroom, I grabbed my phone.

   To (Y/N):

   I'm sorry. This is for the best. I love you. :):

   Pushing send, I put my phone down, and run to the bathroom. I HAVE to get it over with.

   Stepping into the bathroom, I breathes in, and log into Twitter,

   Will you be happy if I end it all? Will you? Because soon you'll have your wish. Bye :(

    Opening the pills, I heard a door opening and running.

   "Niall! No!" Of course! (Y/N) would be coming!

   I quickly swallowed the pills, just as she came in.

   "N-no... Niall.... Not my Nialler...." She sobbed. She ran to me and held me, saying, "I called 911. Please don't leave!" Before I blacked out....


I woke up thinking, "Am I dead?"

I don't know. All I see is (Y/N) crying. She looked up, and exclaimed, "Niall! Are you awake? Niall! Why did you leave me? Why didn't you talk to me?"

    "I-ugh-I just wanted to die! Geez! Is it a big deal?" I snapped.

   Her eyes widen, and more tears came. "Now, I do think this is a big deal! What happened to you?! Who are you? This is not my Nialler!"

    "Please! Just.... Leave!" I exclaimed.

    "Fine! Don't be surprised if I end up loving Harry because he's a whole lot better than you!" She growled.

     My eyes widen. Am I really going to let the girl I love walk away? "NO! I-I'm sorry! I-I just wanted to be dead! Let all those people e happy! Let my mum and dad be happy! Let the lads be happy! Let you have a happy life! Because I don't want you wasting your time on me!" I explained, "I'm sorry..."

    "Oh Niall! You would've made us depressed if you left! You make us happy just with your smile! I'm serious! You can't leave us! You don't know how worry we were when you wouldn't wake up! God,it been 5 months! We was going to put you off life support!"

   "We're back! Have Niall shown any improvements?" I heard.

     "Quick! Act like you're still in coma!" She smirked.

    I shut my eyes, and I hear (Y/N) saying no.

    "I guess it's time for us to let Niall g-" Louis began, tears streaming down his face.

    "BOO!" I yelled.

    They all screamed, Harry jumping into my girl's arms.

   "Hey Hazza, that's my girl, huh?" I playfully frown.

   "Oh sorry Ni... Niall?" Harry was surprised, along with everyone else. "You're awake?"


    "Niall, next time talk to us! I was so worried! I-- we-- thought you left us!" Liam spoke.

   "Well, I'm here, aren't I?"

    "What if you wasn't?" Zayn pointed out.

    I rolled my eyes. "Stop worrying!"

    "We have every rights to!" Louis yelled.

   Then I lost it. I started sobbing. They all looked at me with pity.

   "I don't want your pity! I don't want to tal-" I stopped when I saw (Y/N) sobbing in Harry's chest. "Oh..."

   I never thought anyone cared for me. But now I realized, they did. I was just too dumb to see it.

   "I-I'm sorry..."

   "No, we're sorry.. We made you feel like we didn't care for you..." Liam frowned.

   "NO! It's not you... It's me... I've been so depressed, and I listened to the haters. M-my mind said you didn't care... B-but my heart said you did... I let my demons take over.... I almost made them win.... I-I'm sorry!"

   They all looked at me, unsure what to say.

   "Ni... we love you! You do understand that you can always talk to us?" Zayn asked.

   I nodded. "Ni... please don't ever do that again! I almost didn't eat for 5 months, luckily Harry and Louis made me. And your family visited you yesterday, they're on the way, they love you. They can't let you go. Don't do that to any of us!" (Y/N) plead.

   "I promise. Next time I will talk to you."

   "Do you still want your social media apps?" Harry asked.

   "Yes, I have to face them. And Harry, thank you for taking care of my girl."

    "No problem."

   -one year later-

  "Cos you got that one thing," we finished.

    I looked at our fans, and I see (Y/N) smiling. I smiled back, before saying, "As you know my wife (Y/N) and I have some news for you. We're having a baby!"

   The lads stopped, and stared at me. "You are?" Louis asked.



   They all cheered. I could see posters saying stuffs like:

You're amaZAYN

  Don't listen to hates, you perfect.

  You can sing!

   You are perfect in your own way, no matter what they said. Don't listen to them. We love you Niall!


   This is true. You are perfect. Don't listen to them. Ever. You can talk to me if you feel like you want to die! I don't know much about this, but I want to help you all ❤️ thank

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