You should see me in a crown

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Bite my tongue, bine my time

Niall and his group of friends was making fun of me again.
"Hey fattie, how it's going? Eat another whole meal with sugar?"
I rolls my eyes, and bite my tongue to save my words. If I don't, they will start a fistfight, and I'm not going through with that.
"You know, you should kill your self. No one like you here!" Niall's friend, Zayn, calls out.
Niall slap him, and tell him to shut up.
"Just wait. I know I should kill myself," I replied and walk away.

Wearing a warning sign, just wait till the world is mine

I walks to my next hour, and sit down. My teacher comes up to me and says, "You know, you never do the works and you're failing. Why not just not do the work again and go somewhere else? Dumbass."
I nods, "Sure, I always hated you. Just you wait till the world is mine."
I run out of the class and bumps into Niall.
"Don't mess with me today, or I swear I will fight you."
"Chill, I was looking for you. What did you mean back there?"
"You should know. You'll get your wish one day." I turn away, and walks out of the school with no care in the world.

Visions I visualize, cold in my kingdom size

I get home, and my mom see me.
"What are you doing home? I want you at school so I don't have to deal with you, you worthless crap. Damn it, the world would be better without you here!" She starts to hit me and kick me until I can't breathe and I pass out.
I come across a castle, but it was ice. I look at the sign: (Y/N)'s castle.
This is my castle.. I'm the queen!

Fell for these ocean eyes

Then I wake up in the living room.
My mom had left, and I get up.
I groans to the pain, and walk out of the house to the park where I go all the time.
When I arrives, I start thinking.
I remember when I was dating Niall Horan. I fell for those ocean eyes, and he fell for my (e/c) eyes.
Then he broke up with me when he started to be friends with his group of friends and became popular.

You should see me in a crown, I'm gonna rule this nothing town.

I rolls my eyes and forget about the memory. I'm gonna rule the school, and prove everyone wrong.
I'm not a quitter, and I'm not killing my self yet.
I get up, and walk to the store to shop.

Watch me make them bow, one by one by one.

After shopping, I go home to finish my homework for once.
I don't understand it, but I google and google helped me finish it. After doing everything, I go to sleep.
Ready for school.

You should see me in a crown, your silence is my favorite sound.

When I wake up, I get up to get ready.
I do my makeup and style my hair.
I look different.
I walks to school, and when I arrives, everyone is looking at me.
No sound.
I smiles at them, and walk to my first hour and turn in my homework.
"Sorry for not doing it sir, I'm gonna work harder now."
My teacher stares at me, dumbfounded.
"You know, I don't understand why everyone is so silent today. But oh well, their silence is my favorite sound."

Watch me make them bow

I sit in my seat, and Niall run in the class. When he see me, his jaw drops. He come up to me, and he asks, "Who are you? What happened to the other (y/n)?"
"Oh, she's long gone. She been gone since you and your friends bullied her. Anyway, I gotta pay attention. Nice talking to you."

One by one by

When the bell rings, I go out in the hallway and see Niall's friends.
They walk up to me and says, "Damn. You had a glo up. You should be in our group. You can be popular with us."
I smile, "Sure."
Step one: check.

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